Bryan Cranston Debates Bill Maher on White Privilege

Published 2023-02-14
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In a headline making episode, Bill Maher and Bryan Cranston talk about privilege vs. advantage, the role that got Bryan Cranston in hot water, critical race theory, the show where Bill and Bryan first met, bulldozer parenting, creeps vs. nuts in casting, white peoples’ bias against themselves and tons more.

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All Comments (21)
  • Imagine being a white actor born in the 50’s who now has millions of dollars lecturing everyday people about how privileged they are
  • @Mpr91
    Would be interesting to see the ethnic breakdown of their neighbourhood
  • “The worse I think things are, the better person I am.” He hit the nail on the head. That is precisely the psychology of these people. I know because I went slightly down that path and now am aware of what was going through my mind. It’s almost like a self-brainwashing. And this is why I agree with John McWhorter’s book that it’s a religion, because that’s a religious thinking. I mean truly religious, not the way conservatives are “religious,” in that they believe the Bible, but those types who try so hard to live virtuously that they become monsters. Like the prototypical catholic nun. The psychology says to be a good person you just want to fix the world and there are just oh so many problems with it that it’s too much so if you’re not upset about it constantly, you’re a bad person. This is the kind of thinking Alan Watts warned people about too. It’s dangerous for the person thinking it and for society if too many people think it.
  • Would you say your life is great Bryan? Well Bill, Its 1:30pm on a Tuesday and I am getting paid a lot of money to sit and talk about how bad black people have it... So yeah, it could be worse.
  • @calholli
    "It's better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" -- Mark Twain
  • @ahhcmon9604
    It's great now that you can get into college when it's finally not worth the money
  • @BeteBlanc
    Damn, it's always disappointing to discover just how insane someone is for real
  • @NavShay
    Out of all the -isms that people try to point out and avoid, the strongest and oldest is Classism. Socioeconomic class determines more than 75% of all sorts of discrimination, not only in US but all across the world and there is a reason for it; people in higher socioeconomic class do better, get away with more, have better connections, own more etc. It is an undeniable truth, and until technology solves the problem of the scarcity of money, we will have this discrimination in all of us. Extreme left tried to fix it with tyranny and failed miserably (soviets), so we know the answer is not making everyone equal and take the money away from the rich. Maybe one day the advancement of technology changes this for the good of humanity.
  • @_ryaaan
    Bryan has drunk the Kool-aid.
  • I'm Eastern European and my wife is Spanish. Despite both of our families being immigrants from poor backgrounds, I did not receive the same opportunities she did simply because I'm white. She has a master's degree, fully funded through minority scholarships and works in upper management. I am still paying off my bachelor's...15 years later and only make more, because I picked a better field to study and got lucky. When we were talking about this, and I made this realization, it kind of blew me away. You can extrapolate this to basically any special privilege available due to her ethnicity, even down to basic social interactions with others. Because I'm doing okay, and ultimately benefit from her success anyway, I kind of find the whole thing funny. Also I get to give her crap about her special treatment and the systemic racism that I apparently had to endure (joke...sort of?). All that said, identifying and having these opportunities for minorities has been an important part in promoting the success of future generations, allowing them to escape the cycle of poverty they probably wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. My wife is a clear example of that. But it may be time to start shifting our focus towards combating poverty and its contributing factors in general.
  • Cranston strikes me as a person whose never heard the counter arguments to his own opinions.
  • @KingStone-so1yl
    “Would you say your life is great?” “Yeah.” I respect that. Most of these ppl try to act like they got it rough out here. lol
  • I had a coworker tell me once that I needed to acknowledge my white privilege. I couldn't do anything other than give her a blank stare as I went through the story of my life in my head. She had no idea of the horrors I had to deal with growing up. I don't think it is so much skin color as it is where you grow up that has a higher indicator of privilege, or in this case, advantage.
  • @Liscome
    Cranston isn't about to bite the hand that feeds him😆
  • I appreciate these type of debates. No yelling. No insults. Both sides listening to each other.
  • Watching this makes me happy I won’t be around in 25 years when this country collapses. We’re doomed.