'If You Were My Monster' by Tara Rice (from the album Panorama)

Published 2014-10-16
Song 5 from the "Panorama" EP by Tara Rice.
Buy, stream & share: tararice.com/music


If You Were My Monster

A many headed, many armed beast
Stood outside your door
Like a mangled mix of Cerberus,
Kraken and hydra tales of yore

The heads, they yelled and screamed
With some arms, they raised a fire
Feeling righteous behind their revulsion
Feeling protected under their spire

With werewolf pack mentality
They beat the walls of your home
But if you were my monster,
I’d unlock the door and we’d roam

If you were my monster

Whether horn or fang
Or hoof or tail
Dark shape shifter
Beyond the pale,
Stingers, scales,
Claws or wings
I’d see them as
Strange and beautiful things…

A strange and unkempt beast, they say
And if so, blessed be
For how much do you differ from they?
How much do you differ from me?

A parade of bizarre entities
Indulged in their own intrigue
Feeding their god, not the inner beast
When the creature is hungry

The unfamiliar gives them fear,
Petty judgment, deafened ears
But if you were my monster
I would listen, dear.

If you were my monster

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