Worst Ever: Game.com - Rerez

Published 2020-04-29
You won't believe what bad video games you'll find on Tiger Electronics' forgotten Game.com console.

0:00 - A Brief History of Tiger Electronics!
1:45 - Introducing Game.com
3:46 - Hardware Features & Controls
5:42 - The Game Library
7:13 - Lights Out
7:34 - Tiger Casino
8:15 - Henry
8:38 - Quiz Wiz
9:55 - Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune
10:29 - Scrabble & Monopoly
11:17 - Centipede & Frogger
11:46 - Williams Arcade Classics
12:31 - Indy 500
13:39 - Batman & Robin
14:47 - Mortal Kombat Trilogy
15:28 - Fighters Megamix
15:56 - The Lost World: Jurassic Park
17:29 - Resident Evil 2
19:24 - Duke Nukem 3D
21:53 - Sonic Jam
24:01 - The End of Game.com

#Gamecom #TigerElectronics #Gaming #VideoGames #WorstEver #Games #VideoGame #Comedy #BadGames #TheWorstEverSeries #Tiger

All Comments (21)
  • @Civvie11
    And you all thought Sonic Genesis on GBA was slow.
  • @koharathecat
    "You wouldn't fake gameplay for an ad, wouldn't you?" Tell that to mobile game makers.
  • @vaporwave2345
    1997: GameCom ad insults consumers. 2021: Every ad insults consumers.
  • @RedScatt
    "Imagine reading you're emails on this thing, You would have to connect a modem to this so you couldn't leave you're house anyways, WHY NOT JUST USE A COMPUTER?!" -James Rolfe
  • @andysee6996
    With that one commercial, Tiger made the "Make the Bad Guys Cry like an Anime Fan on Prom Night" line from Mighty No. 9's Masterclass trailer look tame.
  • @cartmann94
    Imagine 1997 kids getting this instead of a Tamagotchi.
  • @Ryusuta
    "This game is a straight-up biohazard." I have, indeed, seen what you did there.
  • @Bustermachine
    More important than the gameboy being old tech was the fact the Nintendo worked hard to design games within the limitations of the system. Nintendo knew the screen was crap and would ghost a lot. So they designed their games carefully to minimize the problem as much as possible. And what worked, and what didn't, tended to trick out to other developers.
  • @mattakudesu
    I got an r-zone for christmas and brought it to school for a while. The kids were impressed for the first few days until they realized how trash it was. It ended up at the bottom of my toy box, lost to the ages.
  • @ChrisLeeW00
    R-Zone: It's like the virtual boy, but somehow even worse.
  • @Breeze926
    "It surfed the net" That's one thing it has over the Switch
  • @uzaiyaro
    And to think that just four and a bit years later, we had the PSP.
  • Tiger Electronics motto: Die hated, or die a failure. They achieved both.
  • @Zeeruss
    I owned one of these when I was younger. I ended up selling it to my friend for $30. He played it for, at most, 15 minutes and instantly hated it. He tried to trade it into a local game shop and they wouldn't take it. So he walked around the mall for two hours talking to EVERY kid he could see asking if they wanted to buy it. He eventually sold it for $3 to a kid and his mom. 🤣
  • @ZaGorudan
    That commercial is brimming with the ironic satire and self deprecation you'd expect to hear on a radio spot in a GTA game. Yet it's real and actually made to sell something in the real world. Utterly confounding marketing decision.
  • @nthgth
    Rerez has 347k subs, and this vid alone has 1.3 million views. To me that's a sign of really good content. This is like my 5th time watching this video and most of the rest have similar re-watchability. Keep it up, boys!
  • @Elazam
    I really Love that the R-zone exists, a console that is a mix of the two most hated consoles in the 90's: tiger electroincs LCDs and the Virtual Boy.
  • The N64 port of RE2 is amazing work to compress that much data in way less space, while only barely downgrading graphics and sounds, putting voice in a console who didin't have a voice-chip, and FIXED bugs, and even gave full 360 stick control instead of tank. those people who made the port are geniuses.
  • I miss internet in the 90's simply because it was so freakin' easy to extend your "free trial". Just before a billing cycle I'd call AOL and ask to cancel and when they'd ask (they always did) why I was cancelling I'd simply say I couldn't afford it. Every time they would give me a three month extension. I had free internet for nearly a decade before AOL was just outright obsolete.
  • @superpan218
    As the AVGN said, "The commercials made them look awesome, but really they were garbage."