Brewpub Simulator: Fancy Beer, Albatros is lying

Published 2023-08-07
Devs, see end of description

In this episode wego for the fancy beer. Allbatros is telling you coffee and ginger is a proven concept.. this is NOT true, I have tried that in previous attempts. It gives you a 1 star beer. What IS a proven concept is Coffee, Cacao and Vanilla. 10 grams of each for the smallest recipe, 20 gram of each for the 10L-20L recipe.

Devs: 00:45 As you can see, reloading to this day, the name of the beer wasn't retained and it was not for sale either. It did somehow work for the quest.

All Comments (2)
  • I didn't know you could boil in the large Fermentation Bucket. That makes things a little easier!