"They DON'T Want To Integrate!" - Douglas Murray On 'Multiculturalism' In Britain "Not Working"

Published 2024-03-04
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak used a Friday evening address to warn that democracy is being targeted by extremists.

Mr Sunak said there are “forces here at home trying to tear us apart”.

Speaking at a lectern outside the doors of No 10 Downing Street, Mr Sunak warned about the current situation in Britain, in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks by Hamas against Israel.

And he said the victory of George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election was “beyond alarming”.

“In recent weeks and months, we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality,” he said in a hastily arranged address to the nation.

“What started as protests on our streets have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence.

“Jewish children, fearful to wear their school uniform lest it reveals their identity. Muslim women abused in the street for the actions of a terrorist group they have no connection with.

“Now our democracy itself is a target. Council meetings and local events have been stormed. MPs do not feel safe in their homes. Long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns.

“And it’s beyond alarming that last night, the Rochdale by-election returned a candidate that dismisses the horror of what happened on October 7, who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin, the racist former leader of the BNP.”

Douglas Murray says the PM should tackle multiculturalism if he fears 'extremists target UK democracy'.

"They don't want to integrate! We have a very rich history, we push it aside to sell ourselves as an uber-liberal landing spot for the world!"

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All Comments (21)
  • @careytitan9097
    The Brits did not deserve this enforced multicultural dystopian nightmare! Douglas was spot on as always.
  • @andyblogger1
    Allowing Islam to spread its tentacles across Europe has to be one of the biggest mistakes in modern human history.
  • @JimmyTerryPWL
    It annoys me when people say “if they don’t like it why don’t they leave?” Not realising the goal isn’t to integrate but to take over, starting with sneakily calling everyone prejudiced so they’ll shut up and put up with the take over
  • @Benjilaw2288
    I'm white English and, dam proud. And i want my country back.
  • From Canada here. When my family emigrated from Italy in the early 20th century, they would not have dreamed of backing Mussolini in WWII. But that is not what is happening now. The people who emigrate to Great Britain and other countries in the West do not have that kind of loyalty or love for their new country. They should face a means test when it comes to culture and values.
  • @MG-me7iw
    They want domination, not integration.
  • @AmeliaBodilia
    “If you import the world’s people, you import the world’s problems.”-Douglas Murray
  • @markbooth1117
    So you can have Welsh Nationalists, Scottish Nationalists, but if you have English Nationalists they are the supposed Far R1ght.
  • @rv1684
    They will not deal with the problem. They will deal with the people who speak out about the problem.
  • @HelloKittykat21
    There would be no far right in this country if people didn't feel they were being done dirty by the government and those arriving.
  • @Marozi1
    As a white straight male, I'm constantly told how privileged I am despite being demonised by all sections of society, I grew up in a council estate and still living on a council estate at 49, went to an average school and got average results, do manual jobs that dont pay well and literally struggled to put food on the table for the past 30yrs. Wow, what a privilege its been!!
  • @thraciangrapes
    Same crap is happening in the USA. Everything we have done to make progress over the past 300 years has been completely blown out of the water!
  • @FunnyOrNot
    We didn’t consent or vote for this It was forced on us
  • @xelakram
    What I'd like to know is this: Who decided to turn this country of ours into a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, super diverse country anyway. I don't recall ever being asked to vote for this. So, so much for democracy!
  • @albiehill5035
    I knew this was going to happen years ago when Blair got in power he opened up the flood gates that’s when the problem started since then we let in anyone I’m going back good 20 years and this law and system is absolutely disgusting and pathetic ..
  • I left the UK in 2019 after being treated like a foreigner. Couldn't find my two feet in my very own country and had to live in asia to make a decent living. Once in a while I check in to see if the UK is sorting itself out and I could move back in and be a member of that society, but it just keeps getting further and further away.