Homeless at Christmas: Liverpool

Published 2023-11-26
The visual symbols of Liverpool's soaring homelessness crisis are impossible to miss. On every street corner there is a person sitting, wrapped in blankets or sodden sleeping bags.
Tents have sprung up right across the city centre as more and more people with nowhere to turn bed down for the freezing winter nights.
As if the December weather isn’t bad enough, dealing with being homeless on Christmas Day must be unbearable.

All Comments (16)
  • @SeanMurraylfc
    Lovely video. ❤ highlighting issues that people want to brush under the carpet.
  • @debdodd6648
    Thank you for raising awareness. This has really inspired me to do something this Christmas to help those who really need it. Even providing some warm clothes no longer needed or buying some hot food or drink. I wish there was more we could do to help this crisis. 💔
  • @courtney-qc2tm
    the message of this video is so important thankyou for highlighting this issue when people want to pretend it isn’t happening
  • @Abc-ib3cy
    Came across this on Reddit and it is so nice of you to show people these tragedies. Have been homeless in the UK right after the pandemic during the summer before and it was already bad enough. How people dehumanise you is rough. I wish people would understand that people have tough times and are trying hard to find a way out, not look down at you as an untermensch, I wish more people have empathy and compassion like you
  • @uglytomma
    The lack of support from councils and charities that seem to operate by advertising to help homelessness for a good image while doing little to nothing to help them makes me sick.
  • @chrisbossman1978
    The government say they are spending £2 billion on homelessness, yet the figures of people being homeless have gone up by 50 percent and 280k people sleeping rough. This country is in such a mess and the pathetic self serving government does not want to admit how badly they are getting everything wrong
  • @NexusPNS
    Keep spreading the message brother ❤
  • @ionutsaviuc94
    i just had a friend who was homeless, kicked from rent and was alone, her friends told me she died, but i am not in Liverpool now. Are we able to check if she passed away ?due to weather and starvation ? She was 23 year old girl
  • @palerider7353
    I had the misfortune of being homeless at one point. Council put me in a B&B for 30 days. They then proceeded to send me an invoice for just shy of a grand. If I could afford to pay £1000 a month, I wouldn’t have been homeless 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  • @uglytomma
    I’ve reported homeless people many times to Street Link UK, they claim they cannot find these people I’ve reported when I constantly see the same homeless everyday. They refer homeless persons details to local councils which must never follow up on these reports. You only have to drive/walk around many areas to find them, so why can’t the council help them… it’s because they don’t want too and don’t care if these people die in the cold, alone and suffering…..
  • @habbixes
    The Council should be ashamed of themselves for letting our own suffer. I had the misfortune of dealing with the negligence of the housing team myself and I was lucky to get £500 off them as compensation.
  • @fingertipsII
    I grew up in Liverpool, I'm a single male mid age and next month I face eviction, as do four other English men in the same property. The underlying issue that nobody is speaking about is that no jobs = no rent paid= eviction. The property next door has 6 foreign men, all kept their jobs in TJ Morris, liverpool based warehouse that terminate employment of English and employ mass foreigners. This was evident in the next job I applied for at speke b&m warehouse. Didn't get the job because an extensive line of immigrants also attended and took all jobs. It's fucking crazy, our ancestors would be so disappointed this is the country they fought for
  • @supermario9185
    Well done for highlighting this homeless problem the government ignore were was the help or mention at the autumn budget statement for helping the homeless adikia lad they. Have blood on there hands adikia when the homeless freeze to death on the streets adikia lad
  • If your homless around crismhas time all you can do is hope you make a bit of money too get a big bottle of frosty jacks cider and just seat in a door and smoke a cigarette with your bottle of cider and forget whats going on for the next few hours then at night sleep behind a building in your sleeping bag thats you can do is just get by in it 😀
  • @terrymagill7822
    Mate haif them got homes .they choose to live this way .the crack takes over them