Kate Hudson Describes Each of Her Kids In One Word

Published 2022-09-14
Kate Hudson is here—and she's chatting about her 3 wonderful kids, Ryder, Bing and Rani.

All Comments (13)
  • She is proud of her kids and sees each of them as outstanding in their own way, as she should. People read so much into the simplest conversation 😆
  • I disagree about it being all about themselves. A lot of celebrities are fascinated with the idea of having families, and in these types of interviews I often see a lot of caring. I think we should stop being so harsh on celebrities. She seems like a great mom to her three kids.
  • I am a Zookeeper in Atlanta and I regularly feed the Hippos day old Sausages so they have a taste of their home. I put strings on the sausages and swing them around the Hippos they get so Mad at me and Scream but it's an obsession sometimes the hippos try and Break out of their Cages but I keep swinging those hotdogs in Wide Circles over their heads. Luckily my Boss doesn't know I do this
  • Kate is hot and Rachel let's herself go it's the perfect example of opposite lol.
  • Oh Rachel....if only you would be quiet & let your guests talk.
  • @Wogger46
    Wow Kate is obviously spending a lot of time in the plastic surgeons center
  • Rachel needs a make over. Does she have a wardrobe person? She needed one for for today. Also a good hairdresser .
  • @lisawebb846
    Pitiful.....sorry. Love Kate Hudson but it's all about appearances with these people. They love their kids like we all do. But celebrities are all about themselves and their poor kids have to match up. Kate seems to be going through stuff.🙄
  • Tall? I’m 5 feet tall. By the time my son was 14, he was 6’6” tall. Now he’s 6’8-1/2” tall! Her children are not any more special than any other children. We’re much, much wealthier than Kate Hudson and her extended family, but our children aren’t spoiled whatsoever. My children are all from the same father. Our 2 girls are small, like me. Our boys are very tall!