ASPERGERS how YOU spot it (5 SIGNS)

Published 2018-11-08
Spotting Aspergers syndrome can be tricky. Here are 5 signs of Aspergers that will help YOU spot it fast. CHECK OUT MY NEW VIDEO →





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Aspergers is a neurological condition categorised on the autism spectrum as an autism spectrum condition or (ASD / ASC). Aspergers in adults is commonly misdiagnosed or missed from the lack of support when they were younger.

The Aspergers syndrome is sometimes referred to high functioning autism or aspergers, it is characterised by some of the traits of autism I showcase in this video. The aspergers definition is a person with autism who displays the triad of impairments.

There is a specific aspergers test called an AQ test which can give a rough outline to a persons personality if it aligns with the condition. I did a video on the test here (   • ASPERGERS TEST: How To Test For Asper...  )

There are also a few aspergers checklist type websites that do a similar thing to the test like the aspergers NHS website.

There are lots of aspergers famous people who are known for not only their success but also their autism spectrum condition. I also did a video on a few of those (   • FAMOUS people with AUTISM - Celebriti...  )

What is Asperger syndrome -

Asperger syndrome Wiki -

Asperger's Syndrome WebMD -…

Helping people understand Autism from a person with Autism’s perspective.

Hey from the Aspie World and a big welcome into my life! I am a Dan from the UK and I have Aspergers Syndrome or ASD which is a form of Autism, often referred to as High Functioning Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder. I make videos every week on my journey and offer tips and tricks to help everyone who has Autism.

I also have help videos for helping people get a diagnosis of Autism or Aspergers Syndrome, and also some advise and help for anyone who is friends, partners or loved ones who suffer from Autism or Aspergers Syndrome and just about anyone on the Autism Spectrum.

#AspergerSyndrome #Autism #Autistic

*I use affiliate marketing links and some videos may be spons

All Comments (21)
  • misses social cues and takes everything literally is also extremely sarcastic/deadpan and expects everyone to know you're joking
  • To save y'all some time. Lots of self promotions are inserted throughout this video. 1. Social cues, particularly non-verbal (body language, hand signals, gestures). People with ASD don't learn this naturally as they grow up, and must be taught them. 2. Obsessive interests, and talking extensively about them. A new hobby/interest can consume their lives and conversations. It's the only thing they can think or talk about. These interests can also change frequently, sometimes even on a weekly basis. 3. Hyper-focusing while blocking out everything else. People with ASD will be in the "zone" while concentrating on the fine details of something, and not even notice if someone is calling their name. 4. Hyper-sensitivity of different stimuli (smell, taste, touch, etc). A particular perfume smell or lightbulb flicker can overwhelm to a person with ASD, which can trigger them to get angry/upset/have a meltdown. 5. Social anxiety, to the point of needing medication to handle interacting with people. An example he gives is planning to see a concert, and on the day of the event having anxiety about driving there, parking, driving back, etc. to the point of cancelling plans/selling the tickets to avoid doing them.
  • So many of these symptoms seem to overlap with ADHD: overstimulation, meltdowns, and obsessions especially.
  • @bluemoongirl241
    My hypersensitivity is on a social level. I am emphatic but kinda over-emphatic. I sometimes even feel guilty for something I have absolutely nothing to do with.
  • i have aspergers and people are always so taken aback when i tell them, they always think i'm lying because i "don't look autistic"
  • I don't like summer, it's too hot.... I don't like winter, it's too cold... I love Fall, it's pretty colors and smells.
  • @LayahLuna
    I was diagnosed in my 60’s and it made my whole life suddenly make sense. I never understood why I felt like such a stranger and oddball to everyone else. I have all the symptoms but learnt behaviour responses as I matured but didn’t understand when my learned response was the wrong one and everything would become so overwhelming I thought I was going out of my mind. Now I can just tell people why and they seem to accept it. Life become somewhat easier to manage. However there is still the occasional event that will trip me up and I will have an overwhelming sense of wanting to flight. So glad that there are others that understand me a bit better now though. Thanks for your videos. 😇
  • @bw6138
    Any once else on the Autism Spectrum lonely? I need friends.
  • @MacquarieRidge
    People with aspergers are like information sponges. I would know. Its a really good quality to have!
  • @atlasg20
    i’m REALLY sensitive to loud noises like when my class at school is really noisy i just wanna have a breakdown and beat everyone up and go home and when people are having an argument i just wanna scream at them to shut up and in loud rooms i just want to walk out
  • @gellichan09
    Me 3 years later: hold on, was that guy asking me out on a romantic date??? I thought it was just a “friendly” date 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Winter. The cool air, blankets, exponentially greater hot cocoa enjoyability, and generally darker n less sunny atmosphere are comforting.
    Well that's good. I was worried for the longest time I might have Aspergers, but it's just terminal bone cancer. Thanks for the video!
  • I've always been very quiet and noticed I was a bit different. I am 6'7" so no matter what, I am very different. I've thought I might be on the autism spectrum. I take everything literally, oblivious to social cues, absolutely LOVE routine, sensitivity to light, very socially anxious, feelings/emotions are very confusing to me, and I definitely hyperfocus. I'm glad I started hyperfocusing on guitar about 16 years ago. I picked up fast because the numbers and patterns made sense to me. I play in bands and have become comfortable playing for people. I just don't like to be in the crowd. I'm not self diagnosing but this would explain sooooo much. I'm content where I am. I would just love to have a woman in my life that would understand. Nobody should ever be spending decades in isolation. I just have to stay busy.
  • @emster9222
    I thought that plant behind you was a spider My heart just stopped 😂
  • @pomgeck
    I'm a winter person! Idk why, I just get this weird "trapped uncomfortable feeling" in summer time, I can't rly explain it, it's very weird. I love winter cuz of that kind of cozy feeling, when it's cold outside and u're curled up in a blanket, sipping a nice warm cup of tea and it all just relaxes me and I get this sort of a "free cozy feeling" around winter time. Also just taking a walk in the city in winter time, with my sister or mum is super nice. I live in Denmark and I rly enjoy walking around in Copenhagen, a winter night. It's just super cozy to me for some reason?
  • I am in college right now going for my special education degree, with a focus in ASD and I love watching videos like these. It’s amazing what you are doing to spread awareness and knowledge. Keep doing what you do! It’s awesome !!
  • @Nabooru
    I think it is important to note that ADHD symptoms overlap greatly with this and can be difficult to distinguish. I am diagnosed with ADHD but not ASD, and I experience a lot of what you describe, including hyperfocus, hypersensitivity, and a level of obsession with certain subjects. Social situations can feel overwhelming because of the stimuli, but I don't shut down. I don't have any issues reading people or interpreting social cues. (On the flip side, I am very good at reading people.) However, I have had to train myself to not get excited and interrupt people. Regardless, many people with ADHD do have poor social skills because their symptoms often cause them to annoy peers. To complicate matters further, ADHD and ASD often tend to be comorbid. I think one of the biggest differences is routine. With ADHD, I'm often getting swept away by things. This makes it very easy for me to forget something. I'm not scared of "new" if something is interesting. I don't like crowded spaces because it is easy to become overstimulated, but I love interacting with strangers. Routines and schedules don't agree with me well. I like to take each day as it comes and do things on the spur of the moment. But the fascination with specific topics, the sensitivity, the hyperfocus, all of this is very common with us, too.