What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Pastor Charles Lawson)

Published 2013-07-28

All Comments (21)
  • @Nehcolee
    I want to be born again, I want a new heart & mind in the Lord. I believe in Jesus & believe that he died on the cross for our sins, I disobeyed him for far too long. And need saving . I want to do for Christ for what he’s done for me. Which is love
  • @leahrhude3013
    Pastor Lawson is 100% born again, saved into the new birth of Jesus Christ. Being born again myself, a believer knows another believer. No man/woman is perfect, only our Lord Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray for and defend Pastor Charles Lawson's ministry and pray that the Lord reveals the truth to all those individuals who make negative comments about this anointed man of God.
  • God has spoken through this man. I hunger and thirst for Sermons like this! my being is full of the Holy spirit after watching this.
  • @wayiqra4399
    Every single soul on earth need to see this.
  • @trayking1852
    I LOVE PASTOR LAWSON he is right salvation is when a hell - deserving sinner,who realizes his or her guilt and justly deserved condemnation under God's law,believes on the savior with child-like faith for forgiveness, thus receiving God's free gift of eternal life through Jesus precious blood. Amen.
  • I was saved on the same day this preaching was held by Charles Lawson. I am so blessed to listening his teachings. God is good. Thank you Jesus!
  • @ralphchavez4078
    Oh my God in Heaven...Pastor you have answered so many of my questions that have held me back and keeps me in darkness.....Jesus Christ I need Your Blood to wash me everyday... You are Our Lord and Savior and I believe in who You are....forgive me for my lack of Faith at times and my prideful ways.....I am not worthy but You are Lord, lead me in Your Truth.....allow the Holy Spirit to teach me in Your Ways and Truth....I don't want to go to hell or live this way any longer, only you, Lord Have Mercy on me a sinner.....Amen
  • I don’t want nothing to stand in my way to serve the Lord, I want Jesus more of Jesus!
  • @evilsdemise1287
    I am one of those who's hearing it 11 years later, it has helped me Pastor. Especially that last part. Thank you Jesus God Almighty!
  • This is the real gospel real preaching pastor Lawson is the only one that's preaching the truth God bless him
  • @nickmccoll8111
    I have just discovered your Ministry Pastor Charles and you are amazing, thank the Lord for you. You are the best Pastor I have ever heard and I was saved 2 years ago when my Father died at the age of 33. I found the Lord Jesus Christ (I had been searching for something, Truth, my whole life), and I finally discovered whose child I actually was. The Lords word, through you and through reading it in the Bible, brings me closer to him every day and his word is no ordinary word, it's tangible, I can taste, smell and feel it and through you I can thoroughly understand it. Thankyou Pastor. I have recently moved State to Darwin in Australia (just one of the ways God has changed my life) and I've been asking the Lord to show me what Church to go to because I don't want to be deceived and be decieved. Thanks to you and this YouTube channel I have found a Baptist Church here in Darwin and I'll be going for the first time in the next week (unfortunately I work on weekends). I can now see the purpose of things that happen in my life, when before I just thought it was coincidence. I know when God is communicating with me and I listen (admittedly probably not all the time but I'm working on myself for the Lord because of my love for him and his for me) and now I feel compelled to spread the word of God and the Life, Death and resurrection of his Son The Lord Jesus Christ. If only I could put into words the power of his being and his love for us, but luckily I don't need to because he has taken care of that too. God Bless you and your Family Pastor Charles Watson, God Bless your Ministry and all glory to God Almighty.
  • @tetelestai5736
  • @edieseltzer4896
    i can not understand why any person would ever click dislike on this sermon...wow!!
  • @sharon5081
    Amen Pastor Lawson, dear Brother in Christ Jesus! Agape love to u & yours!!!
  • @savedbeliever
    I was needing this type of "church" and preaching of the true Gospel at this time. I had to go away from traditions of men and ungodly, unscriptural teaching, so I have been allowing God to lead me to sound ,Biblical, teaching on You Tube. I heard you before, and remembered you,,,,,,,,yes,,,,,,, I feel like I'm in fellowship with the Holly Spirit,,,and my spirit is being fed and built up,,,,,,,,,so that,,,,in turn,,,,, I can reach out to others with the true Gospel,,,,not watered down,,,,not fleshly,,,,but in Spirit and in Truth.