Batman Forever but only when Two Face and Riddler are on screen together

Published 2024-01-19
i miss making youtube vids

All Comments (10)
  • @CX462
    Watching this is funnier knowing how much Tommy Lee Jones hated working with Jim Carrey
  • @AtlasBlizzard
    Tommy Lee Jones could've really enhanced the comedy if he had played his Two-Face as much more straight, and annoyed with the Riddler. Instead, he competed with Jim Carrey in chewing the scenery, and no one can beat Carrey in scene-chewing.
  • Even though Tommy Lee Jones hated working with Jim, they made a perfect villain duo in this movie.
  • @roberttreacy8271
    Youโ€™d think these two were having a contest to see who could chew the most scenery.
  • TLJ: The Bat's stubborn refusal to expire IS DRIVING US INSANE!!!!! DB: Don't worry, baby. DM: You'll kill him soon. DB: Besides, I made your favorite tonight, yummy poached salmon with itty-bitty quil eggs and creamy, dreamy lemon souffle. DM: No I made your favorite, a charhoiled black boar, a side of raw donkey meat, a gerno and grain alcohol straight up, baby. Ha ha ha ha ha TLJ: Perfect! Ha-ha Ladies, you spoil us. We're of two minds about what to eat first -- (Ding) TLJ: What?! JC: I hope you made extra TLJ: Who the hell are you?! JC: Just a friend. But you can call me The Riddler. TLJ: I'll call you*dead* it's more like it! How did you find us here?! TALK!! JC: But, then, if I talked? What would keep you from slayin' me, O'segregated one? By the way, that's never going to heal if you don't stop picking. TLJ: Ooh, let's see if you bleed green. JC: Harvey!! I don't think it's me you want to kill. That's just too easy for someone as powerful as you, and you. But Batman? [Gasps] Now there's a challenge. KILL THE BAT!!!! TLJ: Haaaa! JC: Sounds like a good idea. TLJ: Ooh. Heh JC: Just think? A few bullets, a quick splash of blood, and then what? Wet hands, post-homicidal depression ๐Ÿ˜ฅ Why not humiliate him first, expose his fratleties and when he's at his weakest we CRUSH HIM!!! TLJ: Heh, he JC: I see that sparkle in your Left eye. I can help you get Batman. That is if you'll..spare my life for.. just a few moments? TLJ: Heh JC: Thank you. I simply love what you have done with this place. Heavy metal meets House & Garden. Ha ha haa Beautiful. It's so dark and gothic and disgustingly decadent. (Growls) Yet, so bright and chipper and so conservative. (Whistles) Its so you and yet so "YOUU." Very few people are both a winter and a summer but, you pull it off nicely. TLJ: Haa! [Fires gun, bullet ricochets] What's the point, big boy? JC: Has anybody ever told you that you have A SERIOUS IMPULSE CONTROL PROBLEM?!!! This, is the point (Activates his box, manipulating his brides brain waves) JC: This is how I found you. Let me demonstrate. This is your brain on the box. TLJ: Aah!! JC: And here's my brain on the box. DOES ANYBODY ELSE FEEL LIKE A FRIED EGG?!! TLJ: I'll have a bit more, thank you. JC: Oh, there's more. But only the first one's free. Here's the bargain: You will help me steal production capital, so I can put a box in every TV in town and become Gotham's cleverest, carbon-based lifeform!!! And in return, is everybody paying attention, I will help you solve the greatest riddle of all, the Morher of all riddles - Who is Batman? TLJ: You have broken into our hideout, you have violated the sanctity of our lair. For this, we should crush your bones into powder. However, you pose an interesting proposition. Therefore, heads - We accept, and tails- We blow your damn head off ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™
  • @nolanshriver7673
    Two-Face: "We're still waiting for you to deliver the Bat to us." Riddler: "Patience, oh my segregated one!" Two-Face: "Patience Hell! WE WANT HIM DEAD!!!!!"๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @Ysoserious1
    Btw, that's never gonna heal if you don't stop picking ๐Ÿ˜‚