Wolfenstein: The New Order - Fergus Timeline, Every Difference

Published 2017-07-13

All Comments (21)
  • @MrKZdemos
    BIGGEST DIFFERENCES @ 00:06 - pick wyatt to die 03:06 - different route 06:03 - freeing fergus 17:08 - tekla 22:32 - fergus pissed 28:11 - tekla watches you sleep 33:07 - fergus kinda hates BJ 33:40 - fegus and tekla argue 45:30 - different route 46:57 - different dialogue 48:11 - tekla gest murked 52:13 - wyatts brains 54:03 - killing/freeing wyatt Wolfenstein: The New Order Wyatts timeline difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3nxunM9kAM Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - Saving Kessler timeline difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X2jtwKNwLc Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - Saving Annette timeline difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjjqrgZvw8I Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Wyatt's Timeline Difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQGNpc6xStE\ Wolfenstein II: Mein Leben Speedrun Wolrd Record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpkhTstBZgM
  • I love it how fergus is upset that he lived and Wyatt is upset that he lived. They both hate the fact that the other died. Wyatt hates that he has to be in charge when he felt like he wasn’t ready and fergus is made cause he feels like he’s just to old to do this anymore. I think in all honest fergus should always live since he’s much more suited as leader. Sure Wyatt could rise to the occasion which he does but it takes to long and he needed to be ready right away after Caroline died. But fergus does rise, slowly but surely he does. His arm just fucks with a lot but never the less he was far more ready for the task than Wyatt
  • @Arrowtomahknee
    In the end, Tekla did kill the 19 she needed to "win". Her calculations were correct. I think she would be happy to know that.
  • @vito7428
    Both are practically wrong.If you save Fergus,Fergus will say you gave an old skeleton the job of ridding the whole world of Nazis.If you save Wyatt,he'll say that you put a boy in charge of a man's job. So which one is better?
  • and I noticed for Fergus you hotwire everything while for Wyatt you lockpick everything. why they did that I have no idea.
  • Hearing wyatt under the impression that blazkowicz will save him only to be sacrificed is kinda sad
  • @madsad7136
    Here from my first playthrough. B.J. was so focused on dead kids, I think the only right decision would be to save Wyatt. He's got his whole life ahead of him, he could do way more for the war effort down the road. I genuinely think that William would choose Wyatt to live too, cuz he doesn't want to see another dead young face. Even Fergus would rather you pick Wyatt.
  • @ninthaeon8106
    I just beat this game for the first time today. Played through Wyatt's Timeline. I must say, I like J a lot better...
  • @neohongkong
    should make a side by side compare or interlaced between Wyatt and Fergus timeline
  • @Migs1023
    You need a lot more views on this video. This is one of the best ones I've seen.
  • @Highznberg
    If you save Wyatt you get the lock pick which means you get the snipe/pulse rifle early in the campaign, that's the biggest difference to me
  • @MerlynCooper
    I chose Fergus to be saved because above all else Fergus had proved he knew how to unalive the enemy with experience, every step of the way to deathshead's compound Fergus is in your ear saying what's required, only once does Wyatt do something and that's "Here doggie!" and tosses a grenade, granted that saves your life but it was a one off, any resistance needs experience to train the next generation, Wyatt was cowering behind the pilots chair at the beginning and we had to slap him. I thoroughly enjoyed Fergus in the next game as well, his arguments with Grace are phenominal.
  • @Antonin1738
    Fergus makes sense since he knows what to do. Wyatt just doesn't make sense and such
  • @carlynz
    So basically you feel bad no matter which one you choose... Even though Fergus wanted to die.
  • Fergus sworn allegiance to the King of Great Britain and sang the anthem. LOL