"Everything happens for a reason" -- and other lies I've loved | Kate Bowler | TED

Published 2019-07-02
In life's toughest moments, how do you go on living? Kate Bowler has been exploring this question ever since she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer at age 35. In a profound, heartbreaking and unexpectedly funny talk, she offers some answers -- challenging the idea that "everything happens for a reason" and sharing hard-won wisdom about how to make sense of the world after your life is suddenly, completely changed. "I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty and there will be love," she says.

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All Comments (21)
  • @vashwini3102
    Whenever she is talking about her son she got emotional and tears were rolling in her eyes..she is more worried about what would happen to her son if something happens to her than her health..this is how a mother loves her children 🙏
  • @ellabl4184
    "I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty and there will be love. And every now and then, it will feel like more than enough". Thank you, honey, for this beautiful words!
  • "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, ItÂŽs about learning to dance in the rain"
  • @evelenebray346
    That she unashamedly cried whilst giving this speech, is absolutely beautiful, and so incredibly healthy.
  • @ireneguan4010
    “The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without a purpose” One of my favorite movie line.
  • I listened to this after losing 5 relatives in 4 months 2 weeks including my mom and sister. Many people asked me why? Why would God do this? and my answer was I don't ask why, all I do is try to live and love and be thankful that I had them in my life.
  • “Life will break your heart. Life may take everything you have and everything you’ve hoped for. But there is one gratifying truth I believed in: I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty and there will be love. And every now and then, it will feel more than enough.” ~ Kate Bowler
  • @MuxiangP
    I was in tears while/after watching her speech. It's beautifully written and honestly presented. She was worried, scared, and sad, but she was also strong, optimistic, and brave. Wish her full recovery!
  • @Ana-wx8jm
    I am reminded of marcus aurelius' quote: "Death and life, success and failure, pain and pleasure, wealth and poverty, all these happen to good and bad alike, and they are neither noble nor shameful – and hence neither good nor bad"
  • @tommyv8
    A courageous woman, beautifully articulate, poetry in motion: “I am learning to live and to love without counting the cost, without reasons and assurances that nothing will be lost.”
  • @msg3tr1ght
    I lost my aunt 5 months ago to stage IV colon cancer. I myself am physically disabled. All my life, I’ve been fed platitudes and other theories to explain these things. Also told that my purpose is to “inspire” others. Thank you for not perpetuating any of that crap and for allowing me to feel simply human 💜
  • "Even in darkness there is beauty" its good to hear that you have family and friends that made you feel loved during those hard times, some people dont have.
  • @luqcrusher
    “We want to live in a world where nothing is lost.” Like an arrow through the heart.
  • "I'm learning to live and love without counting the cost Without reasons and assurances that nothing will be lost" â€đŸŽ
  • when she still manages to be funny while delivering such a profound talk. i was ironically crying sad tears while laughing. her words are definitely what I needed today.
  • I lost both my parents in 2021. It was a very dark time for me & still feel like it is. Our saying is that "The deads rest in peace, only the living remains in sadness" I'm sure they had felt the love & happiness throughout thier lives. Thank you for your healing speech. I wish you all well. Do good deeds will get good in return.
  • @AMorphicTool
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you." - Neil deGrasse Tyson. Most people find that statement terrifying. The idea that the universe is truly random, that there is no plan, no reason, no logic. For me, that's the most beautiful part of this existence. There is no reason or guarantee for you to exist and yet, you do. You are a statistical improbability in orders of power beyond your own limited comprehension, all the power a deterministic universe could grant you pales in comparison to the obscene luck of your very existence. You are not special, but your fleeting cosmological moment to observe this universe that is both terrifying and beautiful is. Enjoy it, make memories and when your time inevitably ends remember one thing. Your life was undeniably your own, you are free.
  • @nbk065
    Six years ago, I got an accident and it burned me about 20% and cut my ankle seriously. I blamed the world because of it against me. Six years after now, I thank the world because it did not take my life away, and I am enjoying every beautiful place around this world.
  • @dondressel452
    I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 63 I couldn’t imagine being diagnosed with this dreaded disease at 35 Life is full of surprises Some good Some not so good My love and prayers go out to her and her husband and little boy
  • @Janjoinfinite
    I lost my mom and my sister tragically 18 years ago. Everything happens for a reason. I couldn’t think of how many times I heard that, and until now, those reasons are still hard to find. Maybe there is one and maybe there is none. Who knows? Eventually, I got tired of looking for the explanation and instead, I live a life with better understanding of its sweetness and bitterness. Thank you for sharing your story.