Just Michael Gove getting rinsed at the Covid Inquiry

Published 2023-11-28
It's a box office week at the Covid Inquiry, and on Tuesday we were blessed with the presence of the former Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and current Levelling Up Sec, Michael Gove.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Nala1950
    I am 73 never voted Tory. Never will. But I hope I never see a Tory government again in my lifetime
  • @annmcgill2970
    It's the arrogance and complacent smugness here which makes my blood boil. We had the worst possible government led by the worst possible PM at the worst possible time. Can't wait to see the back of this government
  • @NickJennison
    Evidently Gove watched Mr Bean once as a young man and decided to make it his entire personality.
  • @Blazeproudman
    Who ever it was that put covid positive patients in nursing homes should be arrested and in jail absolutely disgraceful.
  • @user-hg9rf6rj9v
    Everything is a spin with this guy. 'Why did you shit on the floor? I facilitated an arena where various insects can benefit from my work therefore contributing to the ecosystem in a strong and positive way'
  • As I have always understood, the first duty of government is to protect the citizens it governs. The Tories failed on every level.
  • @eliseleonard3477
    As an American physician with an interest in how governments reacted to the pandemic, I’ve been watching many of these hearings. I’ve been impressed by the depth of the inquiry, the preparation of the questioners, and the frankness of many of the people who have been in the ‘hot seat’. Michael Gove comes across as arrogant, defensive, and less than frank in much of his testimony. He seems to feel his mission is primarily to defend Boris Johnson and cast his chaotic and unreliable leadership style as somehow heroic and above the ken of mere mortals. If this is any indication of his general character I would hope he wouldn’t hold a position of responsibility going forward.
  • @njd2342
    "I think the people of this country have had enough of experts" Michael Gove. "I've had enough of Michael Gove".
  • @garywilson1235
    Gove is so disingenuous it’s breathtaking.Let’s hope that the role he took in the awarding of PPE contracts, to his mates, is investigated thoroughly and he, along with others, are brought to justice for these dodgy dealings.
  • @annishilcock4587
    This is the most shameful display of arrogance and contempt. for the inquiry and the victims he failed. I sincerely hope he loses his seat at the next election.
  • @littlewoodimp
    Michael Gove: A much better illustration of the word 'weasely' than an actual weasel. Because actual weasels are really cool and have earned their ecological niche.
  • @grumpy-dad3701
    If Gove said it was sunny outside. Id have to go ane check. Everyword word he speaks is a lie
  • @philparry3595
    The word ‘prick’ was created to describe this jamook
  • look at Gove's face he is not used to people telling him to shut up, we need more of this .
  • @Gking1971
    Remember, these are the people who wanted to be granted to power to decide who lived and who died. Scary isn't it.
  • @susanmiller14
    Never has anyone looked so much as if they are lying, yet thinking they are so clever.
  • @superman00001
    5 minutes into Gove’s testimony, I let out a fart of such magnitude and length that my dog came in from the kitchen to check I was okay.
  • @markbennett6367
    I find it utterly depressing how these dreadful people are able to rise to powerful positions, and make daily decisions on how we should be living our lives.. Ego and arrogance appear to take priority over ability time and time again.. He secretes insincerity....