Falling 90 million blocks in minecraft!

Published 2022-04-29
Mod used:
Far planes 2 (Enables insane render distance)

Mod uses LOD (level of detail) and heightmaps based from perlin noise to make the outer chunks. That is why there are several "borders" between each new level of detail.

Music: Drifting at 432 Hz

All Comments (21)
  • @axeandace7728
    Isn't it weird to imagine that someone with a fully maxed 5 year old hardcore world probably never even explored more than a pixel of the entirety of their minecraft world.
  • @Torikushion
    Imagine if every single mc world coexisted like this but we’re all places too far away for each other to meet
    Crazy how all those little blue dots are those massive oceans that i remember taking ages to cross
  • @notadoctor578
    Weird to think that the seemingly endless oceans we cross, are in reality just huge lakes.
  • @a7xlucifer806
    When you realize that your home is 90.000 km above you…
  • @happyclash8360
    This is the first time I see a full minecraft world on one screen and it's hard to imagine how big it actually is
  • @PKPKonin
    If someone dosen't SOMEHOW know this already... This is the entire minecarft world being rendered AT ONCE, all 60 million blocks. Its rendered by a mod called FarPlaneTwo witch uses LoD. I you would do this in vanilla minecarft, it would have to render EVERY visible block at maximum detail and the world would take up 60 PETABYTES.
  • @Knatrick
    Love the little backstory with the creeper. Can you imagine making a block tower all the way back up there? 😂
  • @dylansp4049
    Poor man just fell a 1/4 the distance of the moon just to avoid a creeper attack but ended up meeting the same fate down below. 💀
  • @milkyway5573
    The fact that the world below is the size of Neptune is mind blowing
  • At 20:00 it really is interesting to see the oceans look so small... only seem to be a bit bigger than some of the land biomes, when they feel almost endless when youre playing minecraft regularly.
  • @Damariobros
    To think there are people who have walked the entire length of the world is absolutely mind-boggling.
  • @malsypright
    "no, don't touch that computer!" "Why, what are you doing?" "Falling in Minecraft" "....wasn't it doing that last week?"
  • @tomv3361
    Is it just me or it's so strange and creepy to imagine how big the world actually is
  • @50zezima
    This was the most unexpected psychedelic experience from a video game. Anyones else eyes started creating weird geometric shapes or something while staring at this? The entire land was all pulsating blue and back to green and then it started to form weird geometric beautiful sweeping patterns.
  • @D1ssrupt
    Every survival adventure you've ever played, every let's play, livestream, tutorial, Etho's LP, stampy's LP, survive and thrive, etc could all happen separately without ANY of them ever realizing the other was there. All in that tiny square you see as he starts falling. Fuck.
  • @CaJoel
    I’ve always wanted to know what the entire world would look like from a birds eye view, like what colour would it look like with hundreds of thousands of tiny biomes mixed together. I guess this answers it: blueish
  • 5:40 World accomodates for full FOV 8:49 Can see semblance of 3D 10:57 Moire effects significantly diminish/disappear 12:37 Can fully see 3D depth of world 13:50 Player looks around for the first time in days 14:16 Can start to see finer details in the world than just the rough layout of land and water 15:01 More detailed boundaries between land and water revealed, around 50000 blocks of height 15:22 Switch to realtime falling 18:10 ~20000 blocks up, can see boundaries between different-level layers of blocks, can see rivers 20:35 Switch to true falling speed, can start to differentiate between high and low ground 21:19 Can see individual blocks 21:25 Single-block details show 21:27 Can see individual block pixels 21:27 Lands in a desert after 13 days, 16 hours, 19 minutes, 21 seconds of falling 21:32 Creeper? 21:33 Aw, man
  • All those nights as a kid wishing I could actually go to space in my worlds. This video is those dreams.