The Forgotten Gravity Falls Theories

Published 2022-08-04

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0:00 Intro
1:44 Tad Strange: Bill Cipher’s secret twin brother
5:39 Robbie is a zombie
7:30 Lebam: Mabel's Secret Clone
12:15 Gold-based secret society
16:38 Future Dipper wrote the journals
18:08 Gompers is Bill’s puppet
22:46 Somewhere in the Woods
23:49 Old Man McGucket Wrote The Journals
27:28 Robbie’s Secret Clone
32:37 Gideon is a demon
33:20 Five-Fingered Secret Society
34:46 Soos knows about Stan’s portal
39:01 Bill and Dipper are from space
41:52 Toby Determined is a wax figure
42:30 The Owl-Based Secret Society
43:44 Stan & McGucket have a secret connection
45:01 McGucket Will Free The Shapeshifter
47:54 Mabel will be erased from the timeline
49:55 Bill and Stan have history
54:42 Gideon IS Bill Cipher
55:44 Gideon’s Mom is Carla McCorkle
57:44 Stan. will. die.
59:34 Gideon is a vampire
1:00:36 The Bill Cipher Wheel
1:03:31 The End

All Comments (21)
  • @Vailskibum
    Gravity Falls theorizing in the 2013 - 2015 era was insane, I still think it's hilarious to revisit those videos after knowing everything that happened in the show
  • I´ll never forget the theory that said Gideon was hiding his defective clone in his wig/hair. That was a thing.
  • the “Dipper wrote the journals from the future” theory is SO good, I wanna give it 10 flippydips even though it’s not true
  • the gideon being a vampire thing was one of my favorite theories because of his hands. in the show, adult characters like stan have 5 fingers, while child characters like dipper and mabel have 4. however, gideon had the full five fingers, which i guess supposedly symbolized a veiled age/maturity he secretly had. but it's worth noting that in the weirdmageddon trilogy, his character design switches and he has 4 four fingers ?!?!?!
  • @yinyin8769
    When fans figure out a reveal, what most writers would do is desperately change their storylines last minute, which more often than not leads to awfully written twists. Alex Hirsch however? Decided to create a hoax, and it worked phenomenally. One of the many reasons I love this man
  • @teajai45
    The “Robbie is a Zombie” theory is pretty interesting in retrospect because of his parents’ occupations tying him to the dead. I think that theory’s worth more flipadips than Trinity gives it credit for.
  • Mable could just be ambidextrous. Fun fact, people who are naturally left handed are more likely to become ambidextrous because most of the world is right handed and therefore favors those who are right handed.
  • @sage.81
    One theory I heard a lot after the show ended, was that Dipper and Wendy were standing on the wrong parts of the circle. The theory states that Dipper should of been on the ice because part of his character is him always trying to act cool, and Wendy should of been on the pine tree because she’s the daughter of a lumberjack and very outdoorsy
  • @yellowpie
    Fun fact: there was a rough early concept for the season 2 premiere that involved Dipper and Mabel meeting a Dipper from the future who told them that Mabel died. The idea didn’t get much farther than a short blurb shared between Alex and a couple writers, but it’s funny how Dipper from the future almost did actually happen.
  • That "Turn Me Over - Now Buy Me" log souvenir is such an actual Mystery Shack joke I can't even. I need that.
  • @tykamen5588
    You know I'm surprised that there's no "Dipper and/or Mabel are in a coma and everything that's happened in show is all in their head" Theory.
  • @comfyghost
    the birth mark actually did become important. the journal 3 book has a scene where ford is explaining gravity falls weirdness magnetism to dipper, saying that the two of them were both attracted to the valley themselves because of their 6 fingers and interstellar birthmark respectively.
  • @matti.8465
    To me the biggest twist in Gravity Falls is that Stan, the shady man who was constantly hinted to be untrustworthy, turned out to just be a good man who really loved his family, a better man than who this idealized author turned out to be. "Trust no one" was never one of the themes of Gravity Falls, but the main idea that the show would challenge.
  • @Splonton
    Bill's mind thing isn't a plot hole, the metal plate in Ford's head makes it so he's just straight up immune to posession unless he shakes on it. Everyone else can just get mind jacked
  • @korvincarry3268
    My favorite theory that i never see anyone talking about is that Bill Cipher won. Totally and completely. Think about it, Mabels dream reality in her bubble is a perfectly fun and cool place full of her ideal versions of reality. Dippers ideal reality is if everyone survived, he got recognition from his family and friends, and he saved the day from a strange entity spoken about in the books. So Bill puts him in a bubble reality like Mabels, where he saves the world with the help of his friends and family.
  • @Meatball08
    In the first episode, Stan asks what Dipper is reading and Dipper throws the 3rd journal away and quickly grabs a magazine and says "oh just catching up on some...Gold chains for old men?"
  • Honestly loving the theory that Soos knew about the portal, it freaked him out because it changed how he felt about Stan, and he got Blind Eye'd.
  • @AgentChick
    The "Stan will die" foreshadowing is actually incredible because most of it, whether intended or not, tends to emphasize either stan's head, or him being on fire (or both). Which is incredible because he loses his mind in the finale, and defeats Bill with fire.
  • So many theories sound ridiculous in hindsight, but when you heard them as the show came out, some of them felt so real
  • 7:55 Whoever made this theory apparently didn't know ambidextrous people exist. I'm choosing to believe that it isn't an animation error and Mabel is ambidextrous. Good for her!