Why Japan?

Published 2022-06-06

All Comments (21)
  • @Jetiix
    My Japanese teacher did warn us that when Japanese people say the know “a bit” of (Spanish or English etc) they usually mean good enough to hold a social conversation. So you shouldn’t say you know “a bit” unless you can hold a somewhat coherent conversation because you’ll be expected to understand more than you think.
  • @GFuelEnergy
    Not having strangers talk to you seems like a vibe
  • 世界一のYouTuberが日本を好んで移住とか正直、嬉しすぎる。災害なども頻繁に起きるから気をつけて頑張ってください!
  • @kurumibabe
    I think the child's first language question is nice. When they're younger, it's easier to learn and memorize all the languages as long as you keep talking to them in those languages. My parents are Japanese, but I was born in the US so I would speak in English outside, and at home it would be Japanese. Just make sure to also teach them how to read and write because I can't read and write Kanji that much. I really like Japan, I'm happy to see you're having fun there!
  • Unironically, one of the best sponsors I've watched. Using a mincraft build to sponsor your product and Felix reviewing it is pretty neat.
  • When pewds said that he would live the rest of his life with marzia it made my heart skip a beat. That was so wholesome.
  • 日本に来てくれて、ありがとう😍いろいろ大変な手続きとか多いけど、楽しんで下さい❣️
  • @Dannyboi91
    As a Half Swedish & Japanese guy I can confirm that there's a lot of similarity between the two countries. If you like camping I've found this super beautiful Bamboo forest camping spot really close to Tokyo! You should definitely check that out! (Also go to the West Tokyo doggo temple)
  • @FairyOnAcids
    14:38 Actually the sweetest thing, my heart melted. So proud and happy for you two! <3
  • Congrats on the move to Japan! My wife and I hopefully will be able to follow in the same footsteps and make the same switch from UK -> Japan one day 🥳
  • Very happy to see that you and your wife made the choice to come live out here! Being a fellow YouTuber and resident of Japan...(26 years now...Geeze time flies by fast!) I see the passion you have for this culture that I myself had at the beginning and it brings back many fond memories. Now that my children are just about grown up (Son is in Tokyo as a University student and Daughter is in High School) I have more time to pursue my content creation goals (Gaming News Podcast, ect.) Anyway hope you and your wife continue to enjoy living out here! Best Regards, Expat
  • @saneill17
    I’ve been waiting since 2020 to move to Japan too and I finally made it here at the end of March! So good to finally be here! Glad you guys finally made it too. Good luck with your new lives in Japan!
  • @degidoga
    "Everything Is Amazing, I love it" As a Japanese who grew up in Japan, there are no such happy words!
  • @4ngeLeyes2
    i love to see how much felix's character and mindset has evolved over the years this type of self growth is what makes him great
  • @JennyYi29
    A very heartwarming and encouraging journey. Loads of unknowns awaiting, together with frequent anxiety and frustration, yet you just go for it step by step. That really soothes everything. It reminds me of how I can go on with my life. Especially viewing the changes you've made all these years. A real companion.
  • @rotenhoko
    Congratz, y'all! I'm loving the Japan 2022 vlog series so far. The music in itself is awesome.  Side note, I saw another YouTuber (iirc, it was Martina "KingKogi") mention this in one of their more recent videos. Not to scare you, but don't forgot to earthquake proof your shelves when possible! I think it's like simple bars (protection bar holds) that you place between the ceiling and the shelf to keep it from toppling over.
  • @Foodies
    pewdiepie may or may not of used his channel analytics before moving to Japan lmao I like waffles.
  • @mayojapan
    Welcome to Japan. I hope Japan is treating you good. Japanese economy hasn't been very good for the past 10 years and you moving to Japan is actually a very positive thing for us. We really appreciate you. Thank you very much.
  • @nnoahg9645
    I hope your stay in Japan continues to stay amazing! I've been living in Tokyo for the past 5 years and have never had any bad experiences but I know some of my friends complain about Japan because of its reserved, conserved and traditional way of doing things. So, as long as you can find the fun parts and understand the differences of the culture/people, it's very enjoyable!
  • @saranoel5692
    Love all the Japan content! It's so fun to see all your little adventures!