Introduction to Bhagavad Gita

Published 2011-11-24
Many people , especially those outside of Hinduism or the Vedic Dharma , without prior knowledge of Vedic Grammer & Vedic Terminology make a grave error by reading the Bhagwat Geeta translation and hence come to very wrong conclusions about the Vedic Dharma and begin preaching our own religion to us

.In these series of videos a Great Acharya of the Vaishnava Tradition and Vedic Dharma ,Srila Prabhupad introduces us to the Divine Song of the lord , informs us about the true spirit of the Geeta and what characteristics a devotee must have in order to understand it ,in exactly the same way as the Lord intended it to be understood.

All Comments (21)
  • Hare Krishna, such lectures are rare and very enlightening, such gurus are coming to earth only once in a millennium, hare Krishna, all glories to ISKCON.
  • Thank you. May all those who come to this Video share these as much as possible. The Kali Yuga and it's influence is spreading and Srila Prabhupada's words and books are the only means to stop the very degrading influence of this horrible age. Hare Krishna.
  • @jahnimai
    All glories to Abay Charan Bhaktivedanta Swami, Iskcon Founder Acharya, and loved by generations eternally, Srila Prabhupda!
  • @humanusludens
    Namaste!!! Refreshing knowledge for my thirsty spirit.
  • Sril Prabhupad can't be thanked enough for blessing us with this knowledge off course we are all idiots and rascals but through his mercy we aspire we can just aspire all glories to Sril Prabhupad
  • @jahnimai
    To hear Srila Prabhupada's voice is to see Vaikuntha, not with your eyes, to feel and honor by meditating , using light w/in & w/out to be jiva-atma, at the sweet Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all attractive, Absolute, who gives value to all the following zeros. This helps to reawaken the true identity of the conditioned spirit soul, who by true, healthy awareness serves the servants that assist, the loving pastimes of Sri Sri Guru Krishna Caitanya!
  • @SolidStateLabs
    Very nice description of our constitutional position is about 16:15, so back up about a minute and you'll see a very worthy conversation about our constitutional nature... Only takes a minute and it is one of the clear recording so Prabhupada.
  • @jahnimai
    Greatest king of knowledge, expressed so nicely I spent years asking about such pakriti & Purusha to understand the world & how to make the best life. Divine loving exchange w/the Supreme Personality of Godhead. thank you; please accept me as yours to please you!
  • @tomcatlov8017
    Thanks for the response, some of my issues with technical problems. I am not sure I agree with "it's better than reading the book". For example: Have you seen the movie "The Ten Commandments" ... no but I did read the book! Let's not forget that the Bhagavad Gita, is a bonafide religious source text about 5000 years in its original sanskrit form. This book is actually really small and concise yet is contains the essence of the Vedas.
  • @milen805
    My respectful reverences to Srila prabhupada!! who gave us the best gift for our spiritual life. Jay
  • @tomcatlov8017
    The Shrimad Bhagavatam is a multi-volume set, which I recall has well over a dozen volumes, maybe more like 18. The Bhabgavad Gita is the essence of the entire Vedic religion, and even the excellent version by AC...Swami... is easy reading with a direct translation from the sanskrit right underneath it. If you are one of these "liberated souls" who grasps spiritual concepts easily and quickly, you can read "just the translations" and then go back to the elaborate purports when you want to.
  • @justinchoir525
    Thank you very much for this. It offers me many answers. Now do any of you kind souls know of any chat rooms where the subject can be explored with participants who are commenting, responding and reacting in real time? .oO( I do so enjoy a chat room environment )
  • @Galavya41
    Thanks for the comment friend, I think those who are serious will stay and secondly its far better than reading a book , so its not that bad. The reason this is so long is because of the subject it deals with. Swami Prabhupad took the effort( when he was 71 or 72) to record this so that true seekers could approach the Bhagawad Geeta with the correct understanding of the underlying Vedic Philosophy and mindset, hence could benefit from it even further.Thanks again Hari Om.
  • @madhukarsg
    Is this the original introduction recorded by Srila Prabhupada for Bhagwat Gita before it was edited and printed in Bhagwat Gita as it is introduction?