Why Create Female Clones?

Published 2024-04-08
The Bad Batch introduced to us to the first two female Fett clones Omega and Emerie Karr, today we take a look at why the Kaminoans would deliberately clone females.

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All Comments (21)
  • @markfeeney4364
    Imagine just waking up and an entire culture has been created overnight.
  • @blooddixmond
    Kaminoans harvesting Emerie Karr’s eggs is crazy 💀
  • @GGBlaster
    The Kaminoans were extremely confident in their idea of perfection. They didn’t see a need to contact the client for feedback or quality checks because, in the Kaminoans’ mind, whatever they produced would be the best.
  • @soopakoopa6461
    I don't have a genetics background, but my initial assumption based on what we know of lore so far is that female clones are just an accident that happens sometimes as the kaminoans figure out how humans work. Omega and Emmerrie are still around since Nala Se and Doctor Hemlock pulled them aside to work as lab assistants, but the rest... Considering the kaminoans would kill off entire batches for simply having the wrong hair or eye color, they'd probably do the same for clones of the wrong sex and not think any further. They'd probably see additional female clones as imperfect products in need of purging in the growth chambers.
  • @napkinx4341
    man this is kinda uncomfortable to think about especially the egg harvesting thing i always assumed they were just artificial
  • @StevenKull
    Worst thing the Kaminoins did was trust that the army they made would not be used against them. They 100% seem like a race to have a back up plan. Either a backup army or a order in the clones to nerve turn against them
  • @lorigoshert6667
    I just figure Emerie and Omega were made female in order to hide the fact that they were clones. With Omega, they took the extra step of altering her hair color, so the Kaminoans really wanted to hide her, probably because they were experimenting with Jango's DNA in ways he didn't agree to, and they probably didn't want the Republic to know about all their experiments either. Omega, who is pretty perceptive and observant, had to be told Emerie was a clone. Tech was the only one to realize Omega was a clone. But yeah, it's also possible they harvested Emerie's eggs, which creates an odd family dynamic here.
  • @theoleivald7388
    I have a wild theory: Omega isn’t force sensitive or at least not enough to use the traditional Jedi abilities. However, her M-count doesn’t degrade which I believe they said that the other clone’s M-count does. Therefore, they want to find Omega to replicate this so that Palpatine’s clones will have a consistent M-count. After all, Asajj Ventress did say that Omega isn’t force sensitive.
  • I think Emory Carr was a test to see if you can clone a female. Or maybe to create another Omega but with accelerated aging
  • Regarding the segment that starts at 8:36, it's really incredible how confident people can be when they espouse a theory that's explicitly contradicted by the actual lore. In "Identity Crisis", Dr. Hemlock clearly explains that the goal of Project Necromancer was to create a Clone whose blood could absorb Midiclorians from blood drawn from force-sensitives. Like; the show explicitly calls it M-count transfer and not M-count cloning. This is in keeping with established Star Wars lore (both Legends and current) that force-sensitivity is not a clone-able trait and an ingenious work around.
  • @joshbone9888
    To be fair, i think the kaminoans got feedback from ‘jedi master tyrannus’ and jango fett who could act as a middle man
  • "Ko-Sai, the Aiwha bait." - Kal Skirata probably after this video came out.
  • @travcollier
    Female clones could be due to simple random (unintentional) mutations. IRL, human are born with a few dozen de novo mutations, something like 42 on average. There are several ways individuals with XY chromosomes can develop into females. For example, androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is relatively simple... lots of different mutations in the androgen receptor gene can break it, so that ends up being fairly common (around 1/20K humans). You would also get some random variation in the chromosome counts. This happens IRL too, for example Down's Syndrome is usually caused by getting 3 copies of chromosome 21. There are folks in our world with a single X chromsome, XX, XY, XXY, ect. Turner syndrome (a single X chromosome) can have symptoms so mild that folks live their whole lives without noticing they have it. Of course, the cloning process in SW could increase the chances of random mutations and make it even more common. Then there is the whole developmental process. Early in development, lots of genes and pathways are flipping on and off, often depending on particulars of the environment. There are tons of ways things can not go 'typically'. And different secondary sexual characteristics develop at different times. On the M-counts thing... There is no "female only genome"... well, sort of. Mitochondria (the things in cells which make ATP molecules) have their own genomes and are inherited from the egg (with very rare exceptions). Other than making ATP, mitochondria really don't do much else though. Maybe in SW, the 'midichlorians' are organelles which have their own genomes too... It seems likely that Lucas was stealing/riffing off of Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" (1962) where mitochondria have basically magical properties. If that is the case, then they would be (mostly) maternally inherited (or from the egg when cloning). ETA: Apologies for the pedantic wall of text... I'm a biologist and hopefully educational info dumping sort of part of the job description ;)
  • @UbinTimor
    I'm under the impression that Emerie Karr was a precursor to Omega. Emerie was supposed to be the test to see if Jango Fett's DNA could hold a stable M-count to be transferred, I'd assume that they gave Emerie accelerated growth to see if that would have an effect on the quality of her M-count (like maybe to test if the stability of the M-count would be affected by puberty and if that doner could continue being effective after adulthood). Emerie was most likely a failure when it came to what Nala Se was trying to accomplish but she took what she learned from Emerie and perfected the process with Omega which is why Nala Se designated Omega the "template" for future clone troopers once Jango's DNA was completely diminished- labeling Omega would be a good cover for what her purpose really was. Emerie was discarded to work as a scientist as the Kaminoans wouldn't have let her be a soldier even if that's what she wanted and I think that why it feels like she has a little resentment against Nala Se and why she holds Dr. Hemlock in such high regard. while Emerie was developing, Nala Se most likely treated her just as she treated Omega and when Emerie could no longer be useful to what Nala Se was trying to accomplish she was discarded and I think that's another reason why Emerie started out very distant as she was treated like an experiment and thrown away when she didn't meet expectations.
  • @sireoslee2202
    Could have also been that Omega was intentional, Emerie was not. Jengo Fett asked for an unaltered clone as payment since he wanted a child. He might have ASSUMED the clone would be male. He didn't expect the Kaminoans to show off and create an option: Boy (Boba) OR Girl (Omega). Jengo picked the boy ... Nala Se chose to take the girl (heck, she may technically be Boba and Omega's mother/creator, hence her own investment in Omega). As for Emerie .... the cloning project was massive. IF you think about semi-conductor industry where you can produce millions of a chip resistor or chip capacitor, you want like only 1 or 2 defects per million. Any more, and you have a problem. In cloning Jengo Fett, if this was their first time cloning humans AND on this scale ... there is a chance that there may have been spontaneous "errors" that led to defects, such as Clone 99 (negatively). The mutation into a female may have been 1 n 10000, 100000 or 1000000 ... and as the project progressed, that particular error may have been phased out as the Kaminoans became more familiar with the Human and Fett sample. Similarly, the accelerated aging may have only been intended for male Fett clones, so any female clones that were created ... might have simply not survived the process. Either way, Emerie was lucky to have survived. The Kaminoans could have also created several dozen female clones in the first batch of clones. Unlike their male counterparts, the females may have had higher aptitudes for non-combat roles. But in order to fulfill the intent of the original order, the Kaminoans proceeded with the females in combat training ... and something along the lines of an accident or incident nearly wiped out the female clone troopers. Emerie and a few others may have been sole survivors at a very young age (especially if she was part of a second batch.) and all of them were shifted to support or research roles. Of course, with the horrible attrition of war, the female Fett clones were thrust into combat (combat medics, nurses, doctors, etc) even though there were so few of them. But ships were destroyed, transport craft and fighters lost, and planets fell to the Confederation. Emerie might not have seen any of her remaining sisters since before the war ... and she wouldn't see them once the war ended. This might have been one more reason why Dr. Hemlock took her in ... as much as she had the Fett dedication to getting things done ... she was a novelty or a last of her kind/model.
  • If you're gonna be meddling with genes in cloning, being able to change the clone's sex without otherwise altering any attributes might be a good benchmark for how deeply you can fine tune the product.
  • @dirtydeesenpai
    I saw a story about two baby girls who were made in a lab using CRISPR and how they were given immunity against various diseases, but their estimated lifespan is 50 years.
  • @grandmyotismon
    The point is further emphasised in omega having blond hair, which would indicate that Jango naturally can have blond offspring with someone else with the recessive gene for that colour. So omega lacks the gene Jango had for his trademark dark hair as a result she is bb instead of Bb, which i am sure people that took biology at school recognise.
  • @monkofbob
    5:15 A viable alternative is that the Sith were communicating with the Kaminoans, and made the message appear to be authentic from the Jedi Temple and/or the Senate. It would entirely fit with everything else we know about them