Former Donald Trump Supporter Shares What Changed Her Mind

Published 2024-07-08
This former Donald Trump supporter proves that people are capable of change

(via thediaryofrihanna on Instagram)

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All Comments (21)
  • What she is describing is the textbook definition of "grooming". You're very brave for speaking up and thank you for your honesty.
  • My mother is a staunch Republican and I was raised in the church. I became a Democrat and my mom said "how can you be a Democrat? I took you to church every Sunday and you learned the teachings of Jesus." I said, "exactly!"
  • Years ago I attended a calvalry chapel church with my husband. Right from the start the cultiness was obvious. I remember the day that Bush was elected and the pastor was greeting everyone at the door excited about it. He said to me, "we got our guy in." I looked him dead in the eye and said, "He's not my guy." I thought he was going to have a stroke. I went for a couple years mostly because there was nothing else to do in that area and I did know a couple people from work but they always seemed of kilter to me. They'd mock people who care about the environment. I still don't understand their disrespect to the creation. They'd say tree huggers are foolish because we worship the creation and not the creator. I don't know, but I call it having respect for the creation and caring for the gift you've been given. When I went, I was pretty much shuned for my beliefs. I did yoga, which was frowned upon. I respect homeosexuals. I hug trees and so on. When I finally left I had so many friends that i didnt know i had. I was getting calls from women with the worst excuses to try and get me back in the cult. I watched them do this to the husband of a woman that split also. They're thoughts we're if you don't go any longer it's because you are convicted of a sin and not walking right with the Lord. I got out but my other half hasn't. Until recently, he left prostelization cards around the house and would send me videos. My marriage is over in part because of them. They veiw women are to just do as your husband says. It's not happening.
  • @plumtube01
    As an Australian where religions are generally more diverse and certainly not as prominent, this goes a really long way in helping understand what drives some of the extreme views we see from Trump supporters. It now makes a lot of sense how some simply won't believe the facts that are right in front of them no matter what, and how Trump uses this to take advantage of them for his own personal gain. I actually feel very sorry for anyone growing up being brainwashed like this. Thank you for sharing.
  • @danderson8431
    The irony of these Evangelical Christians fearing persecution WHILE doing so many horrific atrocities to others is mind numbing.
  • @mgardner70
    What I have learnt from her post is, the church needs to be taxed. Period.
  • No worries, no judgement here. My preacher Dad was a lifelong conservative who actually pounded the pavement for the Republican Party. He refused to vote for Trump. He said that Trump hijacked his party. While on his dying bed, he woke up and angrily said “ why is Trump standing next to my bed”. My Dad did not hate people, except Trump. And… he would wake from dreams saying how arrogant he (my Dad) was to believe that only those in the Church of Christ would make it to heaven. Every time he would wake he would have a new revelation. I asked him if his mind was reviewing his life as he slept? His answer was “yes”. I believe this is God’s plan and a process you go through before you die. Trump is not a Christian.
  • I was born and raised in the church, I still believe in God. However, I cannot accept that “the church” fully believes that a man who has broken every one of the Ten Commandments, and every tenet of Christian living, says he hasn’t done anything wrong so he has nothing to repent from or ask God to forgive him for, is a true Christian. I stopped attending Bible Study where people stood around holding hands rebuking the dark forces that wanted to destroy the man God chose to run this country in 2016 and saying they truly believed he was a born again Christian! Those people are brain washed! I’m not the holiest of persons but even I saw the danger in 2016 and the danger we are facing today
  • Instead of telling your children that you regret voting for Trump, teach them the life lesson that there is nothing wrong with changing your mind after making an informed decision. It shows reasonableness and humility. 😊
  • I grew up in a small town in PA and our pastor warned us 55 years ago that the evangelicals would destroy the Christian church and he was right. Congratulations for finally breaking free from the cult the church has become.
  • @Gert1803
    I am Dutch. The Netherlands, Europe. I was raised in the Protestant believe so I am a christian. But overhere in our country the way of believing is generally very different of the American Way with their well paid television preachers and priests who make the believe to some commercial thing ... I'm glad this lady finally found the right way to have her own opinion about the christian believe. And yes: she's brave to speak up about herself. I wish her peace and happiness.
  • @jalabi99
    It takes courage and guts for an adult to admit publicly that they were wrong. Kudos to her. Hopefully she can be a Harriet Tubman and lead more people out of that cult, for democracy's sake.
  • @6thface
    No one on the left should hate on this woman. We should praise her.
  • Why they separated church and state in the constitution. If churches are going to preach for candidates, they need to pay taxes like any other corporations
  • It took a lot of courage to record a video like this. Great respect to you and thank you.
  • @LillikoiSeed
    I think more people should see this woman and listen to her closely. Would you have preferred that she continue to support Trump? Instead, she’s speaking out having come out the other side. I’m proud of her.
  • @Blantar
    She is correct on all of this. Unless you’re raised that way, it’s hard to explain. I’m so lucky that I met my husband who, over a year, opened my eyes to what I had been brought up in. He was too, but saw the light before I met him. It really is a cult and they’ll never see that.
  • @dbilly7
    That’s great that you admit this. NOW GO and tell all of your friends.
  • @Donkor640
    We all make regrettable decisions, it’s part of the human experience. The only people who should be ashamed are the people who don’t learn from their mistakes. The admission of her mistakes in this video, along with her ability to pinpoint the inaccurate information from her childhood that contributed to them, establishes her as an honorable person in my opinion.❤🙏🏾