CBN Exclusive: Benjamin Netanyahu Tells His Story in New Memoir - Jerusalem Dateline

Published 2022-10-21
Benjamin Netanyahu tells CBN about his new memoir and what he hopes to accomplish if he wins Israel's upcoming election; plus, a biblical holiday brings Jews and Arabs together; and the world's largest Black church makes history in the Holy Land.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Eddie33154
    As an Australian I stand opposed to the Australian Government's opposition led by Penny Wong, to oppose GOD's MANDATE for the land of Israel. "On that day Jehovah (Hashem) made a covenant with Abram (later called Abraham), saying, I have given this land to your seed, from the river (brook) of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates." from Genesis 15:17-21. "And a famine was in the land besides the famine in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech King of the Philistines, to Gerar. And Jehovah appeared to him (Isaac) and said, Do not go down into Egypt; stay in the land which I shall say to you. Reside in this land, and I will be with you and bless you, for to you and to your seed I will give these lands. And I will cause My promise to Abraham to rise up. And I will increase your seed like the stars of the heavens, and I will give to your seed, all these lands." Genesis 26:1-4A. (This promise DID NOT include Ishmael or his children) "And Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran.....and he lay down in that place.... and he dreamed.... and behold, a ladder was placed on the earth, its top reaching to the heavens.....And behold, Jehovah stood above it and said, I am Jehovah the God of your (grand) father Abraham, and the God of Isaac; the land on which you are lying, I will give it to you and to your seed. And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south;..." Genesis 28:10-15. (Esau and his children WAS NOT included in that promise) "And the land shall NOT be sold in perpetuity; FOR THE LAND IS MINE; for you are strangers and tenants WITH ME." (Jehovah), Leviticus 25:23. Penny wong is DEAD WRONG. The Australian Government is DEAD WRONG. Israel is presently only a fraction of it's legitimate God given boundaries. ISRAEL IS NOT FOR SALE. ISRAEL IS NOT FOR PARTITIONING. ISRAEL'S ETERNAL CAPITAL IS JERUSALEM. TEL AVIV may the capital of Israel for other (ungodly) reasons, but it is NOT the capital of Israel. David the second King of Israel made Jerusalem the capital by the command of God Almighty. END OF DISCUSSION. Any person no matter their status or any nation or any group of nations who seek to sell Israel's land or partition it to make a second Nation State is going to be REBUKED by God Himself. That person and those nations will feel God's hand of judgment on them. Repent and God will show mercy.
  • Praying for an overwhelming victory for Bibi!!! God Bless Bibi, Israel, and Jerusalem.
  • @steve.57
    So happy to have these new Christian friends of Israel. Thank you for praying for the Peace of Jerusalem and thank you for being our allies.
  • @loriolson8500
    Purdy excited about you maybe being PM again!!! G-d bless you, Sir. With love USA
  • God bless Benjamin N. Stay strong in God's guidance and strength, standing firm
  • Thank you for this discussion. Fantastic, I pray for Israel as well as Netanyahu to become president again. God Bless you all and may God give you faviour in abundance!! Greetings from South Africa
  • @lucyadams2790
    Bibi makes me smile loads. I miss his pictures he use to draw...just incase folks didn't get, what he meant to describe the first time. [ Laughing here] I can't draw....but his pictures sure did help....folks understand, since the middle East can be very complicated. [ It would be nice, to see Bibi's drawings back,..I smile loads...he reminded me of a school teacher, I had as a little girl. [ Happy memories]
  • An excelent program !! God bless you and thanks for keeping us posted. Jorge, from Manaus Amazonas Brasil 👋
  • BiBi you have my vote. God Bless you and Israel. My prayers are with you every day. Love and Prayers are with you.❤️🙏🇱🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷