Explainer: What happened in the Venezuelan election?

Published 2024-07-30
Both Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez claimed victory after the election commission announced Maduro's third-term win, but Gonzalez alleged the results were tainted.

All Comments (18)
  • The U.S. Government wanted the other guy to control and China and Russia want Maduro to control. This has nothing to do with fairness but special interests.
  • @kiwifruit27
    The same thing that happened in the USA in 2020
  • @pureblood968
    Why do we care about Venezuela? We have our own problems. We’re sending our money all over the world to take care of these other countries and their people our hard earned tax dollars and we can’t even afford to live. Equity is taking our accomplishments and giving it to other countries so that, we are as weak as they are. It’s not forcing them to be better so that they can become stronger. It’s forcing us to become weaker.
  • @rd9400
    Congratulación Presidente Maduro. Dios a la bendiga
  • @dudedude949
    Look up Fulton and Maricopa counties, Detroit, and Philadelphia back in 2020. You’ll find your answer…