How the Coming Population Collapse Will Change Society Forever

Published 2024-06-06

All Comments (21)
  • @AceKite00
    We were educated to live in a world that no longer exists.
  • @cmbaileytstc
    Here’s the real question: How is everything more expensive when productive tech is better than ever and the number of consumers is falling?
  • @user-nr7jm1so5j
    Life is unaffordable, taxes are punishing, while governments are evil. There is your trouble.
  • @iulius6988
    You made basic goods a luxury. So having children is also luxury.
  • @ReturnOfHeresy
    "The worst thing you can do for the environment is have children." I remember hearing that all the time.
  • @CatsMeowPaw
    The problem is multi faceted. There is no one key solution. 1. Having children is very expensive 2. Women want to work, and often are forced to work due to rising cost of living 3. Men and women are being taught to hate one another in countless media articles 4. Men are going their own way, while women are being told they need no man 5. People want to travel and have careers. Loads of hobbies and sports. Masses of entertainment. Children sap resources to do these. 6. Easy access to spicy videos and other content for men means they're slapping the sausage instead of finding a woman 7. Women have been told for decades to demand a top man. Top earning, top height, top looks. 8. For South Korea, China and Japan, long work hours means parents have no energy or time for children 9. And many more reasons.
  • @philvess6376
    Being told your whole childhood there are too many people in the world. And now being told we need MORE people, when the cost of living is this high? No thank you.
  • @reecemartin453
    When you create a world not worth living in and wonder why we don't want to breed.
  • @neondystopian
    In order to want human civilization to continue, you must first value human life.
  • @farronblaze2952
    Kids aren't cheap, and neither is everything else right now. And I refuse to bring them into a world where they'll go hungry because I wasn't lucky enough to get a job with the funds needed to feed us.
  • @keylanph
    It’s not that my generation doesn’t want to have children. It’s that we are educated enough and unfortunately aware of how unaffordable and unrealistic it is to actually raise children. On average, we work more hours, have less buying power and have more commitments that previous generations. I want to have my 2.1 kids, and a dog but making over 100k only affords me a 2 bed apartment and a dog.
  • The primary reason why people aren't having kids in industrialized nations is because most people are aware that their kids will have a lower standard of living than they did. Real wages have barely moved since the 80's, while cost of living is up several fold. And the trend is only getting worse. Looking to immigration for a solution is like treating a symptom without addressing its cause.
  • @ReturnOfTheJ.D.
    I can't say I feel bad for the children who weren't born who now won't be there to care for the old.
  • @MTBNeuro
    The purpose of mine and my children's existence is not to support some random pensioner who could not care less about us, and if anything despises the youngest of us, and I will not bring children into the world just to do that.
  • @urssoz
    Millenials: Oh cool, another once in a lifetime event that we'll have to face...
  • @refraysmusic
    The wolves are mad the sheep aren't reproducing.
  • @tukkajumala
    69 hours per week?!? That is absolutely insane. 12 hour days 6 days a week, plus travel... No wonder they have no kids.