Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.9 - Lagrange Point

Published 2024-05-23
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All Comments (21)
  • @sparquisdesade
    Jonathan Frake's directing is responsible for more starship destruction than Wolf 359
  • The scene with the crew lined up in Breen armour I couldn't help but think... "Aren't you a little short to be Breen?"
  • @robpittman3132
    On the subject of Doug Jones being never jumped out to me before, but the way Jones acts with his eyes IN ALL THAT PROTHESIS is amazing. The emotional range that he is somehow able to convey without saying a word is just masterful.
  • @LePedant
    The progenitors capsule was blown into space with the door unlocked and the portal activated. I could see how those two things could compromised the integrity of the capsule.
  • @sjprdude
    I think Raynor doing the “Picard maneuver” (pulling his top when sitting) should have been mentioned in Cetaceans Observations.
  • @hazel7296
    A portable transporter buffer is a perfect battlefield tool. Freezes an injured ally in time until they can be brought out in a med bay, can freeze an enemy to bring home for interrogation. Allows hidden carrying of heavy ordinance. All around useful machine. Basicslly a fantasy "inventory" system
  • @medleystudios72
    Adding to your wish for a reaction shot of Burnam at the end, imagine the Treksphere implosion if we'd heard Avery Brooks' unmistakable voice say, "The Burnam is here. Welcome."
  • @OmegablueWolf
    I like when captains get to use their pre-Captain skills Pike and Archer flying things, Janeway, Picard and Burnham scienceing, Sisko dealing with Engineering stuff....its just very nice.
  • @danboyle7165
    My prediction: Progenitor tech used on the Kwejian worldroot cutting to restore the planet or at least a child of the planet.
  • @wesleyehowell
    I like Saru being back, but I have to say, MY latinum up would be Raynor all the way through, but especially in the last scene when he took the captains chair.
  • @PassivesAbseits
    No up for that short "I have an idea, it might be risky" "Just do it" interaction between Rayner and Burnham? It is so short, but so good, since it a) shows how far the trust between Burnham and Rayner has come. and B) means that mister "62 % is good, we take that risk" actually at least thinks about it by now. In episode 1, they would have argued about a call like that and ended up on different points. In episoe 9, Burnham trust him to make the right move blindly.
  • the case imploding as it flew out of the shuttlebay is not a plot hole. it makes sense that it impleded as it was exposed to violent gravitational forces. originally it had been stationed in the lagrange point where gravity is in equilibrium between opposing forces, cancelling one another out. a box of (duranium) tissues would be fine there.
  • @RL-gl8qg
    I don't think it's a Pringles can. It's a Barrel of Monkeys game. Can't win until all the primates hold hands...
  • @KyleWitten
    The Pringles Can blowing up doesn't bother me. The episode title explains it. A Lagrange Point is a region of gravitational stability because competing gravitational forces cancel each other out. A real world example from today is the James Webb Space Telescope. It is located at a Lagrange Point. So, not only was it damaged from the collision, unless it was jettisoned back into the Lagrange Point, it would have been subjected to extreme gravitational forces for the first time ever. They got the science right on this one.
    That Tilley smile and scene was perfect!
  • Rayner did the Picard maneuver when he sat in the captains chair
  • @Bubblesthewitch
    Cloaking Technology has always caused distortions. I agree that they could have made the effect more subtle but it’s kinda needed for the establishing shots to work. Also the capsule was balanced at the Lagrange point between the black holes for years. It breaking apart when jettisoned, door wide-open, and not equally balanced between two black holes makes perfect sense.
  • You said you wanted some ideas as to what we think we'll see on the other side of the portal. 1) Dr. Kovich. He started Disco on this journey. I think he's the sixth scientist who "died" (Jinaal's word), but really he mastered the Progenitor's tech. Either he's a human who is now immortal b/c of the Progenitor's tech or a Lanthanite. 2) Based on the musical cue from TMP in Epi. 9 of this season, we'll see the race of beings that created the machines that sent V'Ger home, or maybe the life-form from the end of the movie that was the amalgamation of Decker/Ilia (list them as missing), or both. 3) We'll see many of the ancient races of the galaxy there, a la the end of Babylon 5, who were testing the younger races. Perhaps we'll see Q, Iconians, the race that created the androids in the TOS episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" and, perhaps, a cameo from Salome Jens reprising her role (she's 89 years old now!).