"Most Dangerous Time Since The 1930s" | Iain Duncan Smith x Julia Hartley-Brewer

Published 2024-07-09
Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith tells Julia Hartley-Brewer that the nation faces the "most dangerous time" since the 1930s, making it an imperative to increase defence spending to combat "an axis of totalitarian states", made up of China, North Korea, Russia and Iran.

Under questioning by Julia, Sir Iain says this axis has coordinated attacks to destabilise global geo-politics, "we need to face up to the fact they are against us, they are against the concept of democracy".

Julia Hartley-Brewer asks former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith who the next leader of the Conservative Party will be.

Sir Iain: “I think the Conservative leader will emerge as somebody that wasn’t part of the guilty parties that helped lose us this election.”

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All Comments (21)
  • @thetruth9210
    The vote was not anti conservative it was anti what the conservatives have become
  • @juliemaddern
    The mood of our country is the lowest I've ever known it
  • @marumaru6084
    The danger is to our women from our lovely guests!
  • @thetruth9210
    The Tories have not been Tories since 2010. Reform is the future for people on the right not the Tories
  • @Light_Painter
    The point is Julia, there is as Farage says, a broad church in the conservative party. When people join the Reform party, they know exactly why they are joining, what to expect and what they are obliged to deliver. Reform are the true Conservatives
  • @philiplong7390
    I have a lot of respect for Ian Duncan Smith. i can tell you what went wrong. Immigration. Allowing the WOKE propaganda I aslo feel this lack of thinking the voters were stupid. I am a gay man i am sick to death of the trans issues. Also allowing mass immigration. I feel the only one that truly gets is Suella Braverman.,
  • He has not mentioned immigration, and yet for most Reform voters it was their top priority.
  • @mmaramotswe1024
    Iain, if you think people voted Reform or otherwise because of the conservatives bickering then you will never learn. I turned to Reform because they are more conservative then the conservatives. Simple!
  • @thetruth9210
    For 14 years the Tories behaved like a liberal party or even a socialist party. They held a referendum (that I wanted) to save their skin and when they lost refused to implement the result that their voters wanted. The Tories refused to act on all forms of immigration. Nothing will persuade me now that they have changed and suddenly want to do all the things I have mentioned. Reform is the future for me. Its not worth taking the chance of the Tories actually doing the things they say they will. They didn't for the last 14 years so they won't in the future
  • @keithlevoir608
    Wasn't anti conservative the party just isn't conservative anymore
  • @facehugger3
    I voted reform because I'm British working class and finally have a party that represents me that I can vote for .Uncontrolled ILLEGAL immigration with all the negatives it brings are a very real concern for millions of brits .
  • @markcarey6008
    The sooner that traditional Conservative Party voters realise that their party has been ‘captured’, and is no longer conservative, the sooner we can get out of this shitshow. Vote Reform.
  • @paulslater9061
    Why can't Tories still tell the truth Ukraine have never been beating Russia NATO bit off more than they could chew
  • @meljones5108
    You need Julia, to bring up the very low turnout at the election which for me is a real worry & something that no one seems to take seriously
  • @garyoneill545
    The Tory are a after thought for most people.Reform is where most Conservatives need to be.
  • @thetruth9210
    Its our governments making it the most dangerous time since the 30s and Iain is talking a load of crap
  • @undeadmaster666
    there is only one coruse of action to take here but youtube does not like the word and will delete the message if i spell it out. so heres a hint it starts with these letters REV and ends in a TION im quite sure my fellow brits can figure out the rest.
  • @tonyforbes6136
    Why are British MPS wearing Ukraine emblems but scared to wear the Union Jack.
  • The vote for Reform UK was the vote for common sense realism. The vote for Labour was the protest vote. And it worked. Sunak and his impunity and his grin are gone. Stage 1 of the battle is over. Now we are in Stage 2. Lead the way Nigel.