Halona Beach Cove Hawaii, "From Here to Eternity" Beach Co-Starring a Hawaiian Monk Seal

Published 2012-02-28
I visited the Halona Beach Cove yesterday in Hawaii.
This is the location where Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr filmed their passionate roll in the sand scene "From Here to Eternity."
The area is awe inspiring, and almost unchanged since the film was shot in 1953.
I was initially saddened when I noticed a Hawaiian Monk seal washed on shore because it appeared dead.
After total immobility for well over a half hour some tourist taking photos awoke the seal from his deep slumber. (not me)
My day was made, and here is the video. (Watch in Hi-Def full screen if you are able.) : )

-Aloha, -Bill

All Comments (3)
  • Used to swim There when I was stationed in Hawaii. I think the locals called It cockroach cove.