Your Gut Microbiome: The Most Important Organ You’ve Never Heard Of | Erika Ebbel Angle | TEDxFargo

Published 2019-12-12
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, this speaker makes claims about nutrition and the human microbiome with too much certainty for the current state of research. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:…

Dr. Erika Ebbel Angle discusses why the gut microbiome is the most important organ you’ve probably never heard of. The gut is the second brain, and gut health affects your overall health. This means that you are what you eat, but you are also the metabolites that live in your gut and produce the substances you need for emotional balance, energy level, and disease prevention. Poor lifestyle choices cause gut imbalances, which can lead to neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, and even anxiety and depression.

Angle talks about three critical molecules and how they work in the body to affect your overall wellness. She also shares some tips about what you can do to maintain a healthy gut microbiome through diet and lifestyle choices.

Entrepreneur and biochemist Erika Ebbel Angle, PhD, has dedicated her life to studying the gut. Dr. Angle is the CEO and co-founder of Ixcela, the Internal Fitness™ company. Ixcela evaluates the gut microbiome using a blood sample, and then offers personalized recommendations to restore gut health. Angle shares her lifelong love of science in many ways, including through her nonprofit, Science from Scientists, which brings scientists into classrooms to promote STEM careers and science education. A graduate of MIT and Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Angle is also a former Miss Massachusetts who used her platform to encourage students to pursue STEM careers and scientific discovery.

Erika Ebbel Angle, Ph.D., is the CEO and Co-founder of Ixcela, a biotechnology company aimed at developing tests and interventions to improve gut microbiome efficacy and health. She is also the Executive Director and Founder of Science from Scientists, an award-winning National nonprofit focused on improving Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) attitudes and aptitudes for children aged 9-13. Outside of work, Erika enjoys scuba diving, skiing, and classical piano. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • Tryptophan - turkey, eggs, chia seeds. Tyrosine - almonds, lentils, seeds, edamame. ILA - pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir.
  • @xeniad4715
    Healing my gut microbiome has helped me to finally clear my acne. I couldn't be happier.
  • @0ptimal
    She mentioned it can take a long time to change the gut, but for me I was a whole nother person 4-6 weeks after drastically changing foods. So so worth it I can't say it enough.
  • @Kane-Clark
    I had gut issues about 17 years ago. Specialists couldn't even figure it out. Drastically changing my diet changed my life, along with an excellent nutritionist. He is also my chiropractor. Today at 62 I'm in excellent health, no meds, and rarely get sick. I wish more people would listen to what their gut is telling them. It can change your life!
  • Whenever my gut feels bad it reflects in my mental status also. What she said is so true guys. Gut health is very very important !!!
  • @whitetigr8337
    When someone talks to me about health - whether they're a doctor, nurse, or academic - what I like to pay particular attention to is that person's health. Do they look/seem healthy? This woman is 38 years old. She looks to me more like 28. She is fit, and she seems like a basically relatable, likable person (so, emotionally healthy as well). I can't shake the feeling that she practices what she preaches. And to me, that's a sign that she knows what she's talking about.
  • I was diagnosed with beginning Lupus about 17 years ago after a blood test showed it. I had a lot of problems with my ligaments and bones. My doctor told me he could prescribe drugs, but it was better to change my diet. He told me no dairy products and no grains were the best things for me to do. I followed his advice and within a month all my symptoms were gone and after a new blood test it showed that everything was great. Up to this moment I feel fine now at age 73 and hope to continue to feel this way!
  • @naiyalexic
    I'm glad she addresses antibiotic damage: one of the most obvious issues facing anyone who's had an aggressive course of antibiotics to combat post-surgical infection, etc. And super-glad she addressed stress! Thank you for this TT.
  • @johnpeter1999
    Probably the most important of all the up-and-coming subjects in the world when it comes to health. We could use about a thousand more women like this visionary.
  • @barryfield2271
    Stress got to me this past year. I became depressed and neurotic. Ended up with gout, an inflammatory disorder, then irritable bowel disease. Was not feeling energetic or happy, just apathy. Saw a documentary about the importance of gut microbes. I started meditating, getting exercise and eating gut healthy foods. Sauerkraut kimchi are good fermented foods to increase your prebiotics. Not a big fan of Kimchi so I eat 3 forks of sauerkraut 30 minutes before eating. Research has found the prebiotics from the sauerkraut double after half an hour. 3 months later now I am feeling normal again. Within the last 3 weeks have started to try intermittent fasting.
  • tryptophan- chia seeds tyrosine- almonds, lentils, seeds, edamame indole 3- lactic acid- fermented foods like pickles, kimchi
  • @powerfulwords
    Simple and understandable. I hope they’re teaching this in school now.
  • I've been sick for yearssss...fatigue, brain fog, ibs like symptoms like bloating, nauseous, constipation, irritability, weird random suicidal thoughts, anxiety towards food, extreme sugar cravings. Just to find out they were all connected and I have an overgrowth of candida in my gut. Insane! Now I'm healing it with food and supplements. I can't wait to have my life back 😭😭😭 A lot of people have this and don't know I highly recommend calling around and getting a Candida test done!
  • @Memorial_Memory
    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates- 375 BC He also said- ‘All disease begins in the gut’ Know matter the generation wisdom shouts his voice among children, thieves, and the average Joe.
  • @guyedwards22
    This video touches on a very important piece of a large overarching set of ideas: mental, physical, and dietary health are all interconnected parts of a single whole, and if you neglect one aspect, you effectively neglect them all. I can say from first hand experience that there is nothing in the world more valuable than being wholly healthy; it's literally the core difference between contentment and peace versus misery and stress. You can handle life and its cruddy tendencies with startling ease if you take optimal care of yourself.
  • @laurensims4836
    Women like her truly inspire me! Most importantly she is smart and doing amazing research, but she is also so beautiful 💗 wow!!
  • she articulated her sentences so well which made it engaging and great information for students to grasp simple knowledge. great ted talk.
  • @GutHealthNurse
    Healing my gut has helped me to sleep better, healed gastritis, improved my mental wellness and so much more 💜💜💜