Ruby Randomized: Episode 2 (read description)

Published 2024-01-17
I know this video is hot garbage, but let me explain myself. My computer apparently received a lobotomy in the not too distant past, making it incapable of recording a 20 year old GBA game. I, however, did not think to check if I was able to record at a stable framerate at 1080p before hitting the button, and, unfortunately, by the time I realized how horrible the end product was, I had already hit save and couldn't go back. I considered scrapping this video altogether, but I really wanted to get the Roxanne battle in a video, which I was unable to do in my last playthrough. I wanted to edit it and try to make it somewhat better, but apparently it's over a gigabyte in size and the editing software I use doesn't allow videos over 1GB without paying for the premium plan. My last video did not use this editing software, but the software I did use was utterly horrible and I was not about to put myself through that again. The reason you can't hear the sound is because I turned off desktop audio in OBS, planning to put other music in the background, but then the editing software happened. With so many things happening in the video that seem like they'll be important later in the series, I'm just uploading the unedited product to get it over with. Feel free to watch at 2x speed or anything else that might make the experience more bearable.

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