Scripture Meditations on the Most Holy Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

Published 2024-01-05
Scripture Meditations on the Most Holy Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

The Rosary is our greatest prayer, but how often do we pray it well? Distractions can make meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary difficult, or at times, almost impossible.

This video is meant to aid meditation and encourage recitation of the Rosary so that we all keep the beautiful mysteries of our Faith always before our eyes, on our lips, and in our hearts.

For those who will watch this as they pray the rosary: since we all pray at different speeds, I thought it best to ballpark the approximate length of time it takes to pray each decade with the idea that people could simply pause at the end of each mystery if needed in order to finish the prayers before beginning the next decade.

Scripture taken from the Douay-Reims Bible accompanied by holy images and video clips from various movies. I do not and cannot endorse the full movies used due to modernist and heretical aspects of them, however, the clips shown here have none of these things and are carefully selected to respectfully reflect our Blessed Lady and Our Lord.
The music is original recordings by my wife Eliza. They are all traditional Gregorian chants of the Church arranged, sung, and recorded by her.

I. The Annunciation - The Angelus, traditional Gregorian Chant [Abridged]

Text Translation:

“The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
Hail Mary…
And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary…”

II. The Visitation - Magnificat, traditional Gregorian Chant, tone VIII.

Text Translation:

“My soul doth magnify The Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is Mighty, hath done great things to me; and Holy Is His Name. And His mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear Him. He hath shewed might in His arm: He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He hath sent empty away. He hath received Israel His servant, being mindful of His mercy: As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His seed for ever. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.”

III. The Nativity - Lauds Antiphon for the Nativity of Our Lord, “Angelus ad pastores” and the Psalm “Laudate Dominum”.

IV. The Presentation - Antiphon for the distribution of the candles on the Feast of the Purification, “Lumen ad revelationem gentium” with the canticle of Simeon, “Nunc dimittis”.

V. The Finding in the Temple - Vespers Antiphons for the feast of the Holy Family, “Post triduum”, “Dixit Mater”, “Descendit Jesus”, “Et Jesus”, and the Gloria Patri.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families…that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.” -Sister Lucia of Fatima

“The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin…If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary. Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors.” – Pope Pius XI

“The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.” – Saint Francis de Sales

#Rosary #Catholic #Meditation #rosary #mostholyrosary #prayer #catholicchurch #rosaryprayer

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  • We recently discovered that YouTube is running ads on this video without our permission. We highly encourage for the sake of focus on these mediations that you download this video from us and have it on your device.
  • @August84118
    What a lovely tribute to Our Lady. I especially enjoyed the music Eliza, you were blessed with a beautiful gift. God bless you both and Mary keep you. 🙏🩵🙏