The Most Underrated Space Program In the World

Published 2023-08-29
India's ISRO is the little space agency that could. Try for FREE for 30 days, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription.

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2:00 Indian Space Research Organisation (GODL-India), GODL-India… via Wikimedia Commons
2:54 Indian Space Research Organisation, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
4:06 Guyblade, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia commons

All Comments (21)
  • @Newsthink
    Lots of comments dislike that I called ISRO's program scrappy. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what I meant. When I said scrappy, I was referring to India's resourcefulness, doing more with less. I mentioned that the entire Indian Department of Space budget for 2023 is $1.5 billion compared to the U.S. budget of $50 billion. So yes, it is scrappy in the sense that it's resourceful and determined. I thought India's space program was super important to cover, and even more so considering many big YouTube channels often ignore ISRO's achievements. Try for FREE for 30 days, and the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium subscription.
  • Loved India, spent 4 months there working with their navy. So proud of how advanced their space program has become. Congrats to india from US🇮🇳❤️🇺🇸
  • @davidmacphee3549
    I am so proud of our brothers and sisters in India! We are all one Earth, Family. Amazing! Wow India!
  • As Vikram Sarabhai said, we are not in a race. We just want to explore and use technology for the well-being of humans. But we will be happy to take your science experiment to the moon for a low price.
  • This is an amazing accomplishment for India as they became the first country to reach the south pole of the moon. Chandrayan 1 discovered water in the moon so India will explore those areas. If we want to have a lunar base we need water as fuel. I am excited about India's space research. Exciting times.
  • @adhnaanahmed5029
    india might lack in funds but has brains to use the funds efficiently,that is were isro stands unique and different from other space agencies
  • Fun fact This rocket launch became the highest number of live stream viewership of all times on Youtube.
  • @adi45713
    Ummm… India‘s mission is not just cheap because of “labour market” but also in the method applied for sending the spacecraft! That is why Luna (Russian moon rover) took 4-5 days to reach Moon while India’s took 45 days. Wish this website while doing research actually does it’s research well.
  • @pkgo1122
    I think what most of the world considers wrong about the reason low cost is just 'cheap labour'. Yes labour is cheap in India, But that is not the only reason, In fact far from being the only reason. Home grown Equipments, sling shot technique to use gravity and many other small but collective steps to do things in Budget.
  • @ConciousApe
    loved the fact you called "small and scrapy" instead of "successful and efficient" which cleary shows the reason of making these videos.
  • @techmaster6587
    In 2 September another mission will be launched by ISRO. 🇮🇳 The mission is "Aditya L1" it will be the sun 🌞..! Dear Cindy, Thank you for making Video on Srinivasa Ramanujan as well as thank you so much for making video on ISRO... 😘😘
  • @snehithh
    Indias space agency might be small but not scrappy ppl say isro and indians are frugal in nature. Engineering things in a frugal way without compromising the quality is not so easy thats what engineering means optimize the things and make them efficient.
  • @memyselfncats
    These days when i look at the moon, i suddenly start to look at the south and the notice the dark part of the moon, and wonder in amazement that metals and minerals combined together by humans in India, sent a space craft 388,545 Km from Earth to the Moon. Its like ants working together for their home, or honeybees for their homes, and humans collaborating for Earth.
  • @kknows
    Mark my word, ISRO is going to rule the space commercial market because of its high success rate and cost effectiveness
  • @sumandutta4834
    ISRO is not comparable to bigger and better funded space agencies like NASA, CNSA, Roscosmos etc since it doesn't vision itself as a competitor from the beginning. But at the same time it doesn't want to lag behind in the space sector. Apart from low per capita income and use of domestically developed parts, process optimization is another area where ISRO focuses on when designing and executing a project due to budgetary constraint. Hence, frugality became important part of their engineering philosophy.
  • @amanverma7033
    From bicycle to moon. This is the journey of Incredible space research organisation aka ISRO
  • @Halz0holic
    One way to look at India's "Low labor costs" compared to US and EU is to acknowledge the cost of living crisis in the west. Average salary for JPL engineer (not just any regular NASA systems engineer), located in Pasadena, CA, is approx 110k. 100k household income in Bay Area and Southern Cali is considered below poverty line. When you check the ISRO salaries by cost of living parity. It's like making 80k USD in US Mid West.
  • @sadenb
    I know for people from US, this might be normal because they have landed people on moon in 1969. But as an Indian, this is a very emotional and historic day for us. With the updated tech of the 21st century, I hope we can land people on moon for lunar space station by 2035.
  • @funvideos1941
    4:33 Indias rocket lauching centre is in sriharikota which is in eastern side.What you have shown was the old launch centre