All single-element Monsters (My Singing Monsters) 4k

Published 2023-02-11
Monster Elements (or simply Elements) are the distinguishing features manifested by almost all of the monsters in My Singing Monsters. Most monsters have one or more elements that define which Islands they can live on and the parents that are required to breed them. Elements are divided into classes, whose elements share the same breeding behaviors.

0:00 Natural
0:30 Fire
0:37 Magical
1:12 Ethereal
1:53 Legendary
2:18 Supernatural
3:02 Seasonal
4:47 Mythical
5:05 Dipsters
5:11 Celestial

Full playlist - Sound and Animation "Solo" (My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire):
   • Sound and Animation "Solo" (My Sing…

Full playlist - full songs of All Islands:
   • My Singing Monsters (Full Song - All ...  

Full playlist - Dipsters "Solo":
   • Dipsters  

Full playlist - All Wubbox:
   • Wubbox / Rare Wubbox / Epic Wubbox  

Full playlist - Comparison MSM vs DoF:
   • Comparison - MSM vs MSM DoF  

Full playlist - All Monster Sounds and Animations:
   • All Monster Sounds and Animations  

Full playlist - Voice Actors and Monster Instruments:
   • Voice Actors and Monster Instruments  

Full playlist - My Singing Monsters Playground:
   • My Singing Monsters Playground  

Full playlist - Prismatic Monsters (My Singing Monsters: Dawn Of Fire):
   • Prismatic Monsters (My Singing Monste...  

Full playlist - Best Composer Islands:
   • Composer Island  

Full playlist - Other videos about MSM:
   • Other videos about MSM  

#mysingingmonsters #msm #Evolayersen

All Comments (21)
  • I've seen people say Electricity element is called Supernatural but that's wrong, Electricity is the element and Supernatural is the class.
  • I love how he actually turns My Singing Monsters into a real adventure.
  • @Mr_Accurate
    Seeing all of these elements, I’m just imagining all of the impossible element combinations; plant and poison, earth and mech, light and shadow, psychic and dream… imagine the impossibilities.
  • @daybarros8175
    I love how the elements are on their respective islands
  • @Chantel_T
    Punkleton: "What Element are you, Yool?" Yool: "Yay"
  • @YanSimTuts
    Timestamps: Natural - Plant (Potbelly): 0:00 - Cold (Mammott): 0:06 - Air (Tweedle): 0:13 - Water (Toe Jammer): 0:20 - Earth (Noggin): 0:26 Fire - Fire (Kayna): 0:30 Magical - Psychic (Theremind): 0:37 - Bone (Clackula): 0:45 - Light (Fluoress): 0:51 - Faerie (Floot Fly): 1:03 Ethereal - Plasma (Ghazt): 1:12 - Shadow (Grumpyre): 1:19 - Mech (Reebro): 1:25 - Crystal (Jeeode): 1:31 - Poison (Humbug): 1:39 Legendary - Legendary (Shugafam): 1:53 - Legendary (Parlsona and Maggpi): 2:04 - Legendary (Tawkerr and Stoowarb): 2:11 Supernatural - Electricity (Wublins and Wubbox): 2:18 - Electricity (Rare Wubbox): 2:32 - Electricity (Epic Wubboxes): 2:46 Seasonal - Spooktacle (Punkleton): 3:02 - Yay (Yool): 3:09 - Love (Schmoochle): 3:15 - Eggy (Blabbit): 3:23 - Summer (Hoola): 3:28 - Feast-Ember (Gobbleygourd): 3:35 - Beat Hereafter (Clavavera): 3:42 - Echos of Eco (Viveine): 3:48 - Anniversary Month (Jam Boree): 3:53 - Crescendo Moon (Carillong): 4:00 - SkyPainting (Whiz-bang): 4:08 - Life-Formula (Monculus): 4:14 - Cloverspell (Ffidyll): 4:25 - MindBoggle (Boo'qwurm): 4:35 - Perplexplore (Spurrit): 4:42 Mythical - Mythical (All Mythicals): 4:46 - Dream (Cataliszt): 4:55 Dipsters - Dipsters (From Bone Island): 5:05 Celestial - Celestial (All Celestials): 5:11
  • I love how all the aux. Seasonals got their complete name while Yool, Schmoochle, Blabbit and Hoola got their season events replaced with Yay, Love, Eggy (EGGY LMAO) and Summer respectively instead of Festival of Yay, Season of Love, Eggs-travaganza and Summersong
  • How Monsters Evolve into 4s: Potbelly=Entbrat 0:00 Mammott=Deedge 0:06 Tweedle=Riff 0:13 Toe-Jammer=Shellbeat 0:20 Noggin=Quarrister 0:26 Kayna=Tring, Sneyser, Yelmut, Flum Ox, Krillby, Edamimi, PongPing, Tiawa, Bisonorus, Incisaur 0:30 Theremind=Gloptic 0:37 Clackula=Plinkajou 0:46 Fluoress=Blow't 0:51 Floot Fly=Pladdie 1:03
  • @RayPoggers.
    I love how all the natural single elements (extra as fire) are vocals and noggin is the only percussion single element
  • @Dorriedude
    nice detail for selecting islands that fit to their single elements
  • Fun fact: Noggin is the only natural single element monster that doesn’t use vocals
  • @DrakoBoiMusic
    its hard to think that that little rock can withhold the whole earth element
  • @Natythereal_ypem
    0:00 Natural: Potbelly🍃 Mammot❄️ Tweedle🌬 Toe jammer💧 Noggin⛰ 0:30 Fire: Kayna🔥 0:37 Magical: Theremind🔮 Clackula🦴 Fluoress💡 Floot fly🧚🏻‍♀️ 1:12 Ethereal: Ghazt💜 Grumpyre🦇 Reebro🛠 Jeeode💎 Humbug🐝 1:53 Legendary: Shugafams and werdos🎵 2:18 Supernaturals: Wublins and wubbox and rare wubbox and epic wubbox⚡️ 3:02 Seasonal: Punkleton🎃 Yool🎄 Smoochlee💖 Blabbit🐰 Hoola☀️ Gobbleygourd🦃 Clavavera🏵 Viveine🌳 Jam boree🎂 Carrilong🐲 Whiz-bang🌈 Monculus🏔 Ffidyll🍀 Booq’wurm📕 Spurrit👨‍🦰 4:47 Mythical: Yawstrich g’joob strombonin and cherruble🌙 Cataliszt🐈 5:05 Dipster: (All together) dipsters🌱 5:11 Celestial: (All together)hornacle furnoss glaishnur blasoom sincopyte vhamp galvana scaratar l