Minecraft Will Never Be The Same

Published 2024-03-26

All Comments (21)
  • @FieryN8
    The one thing that always blows my mind is thinking back to how almost all of us first experienced the game; single digit render distance with heavy fog
  • Modders: Here, have free revolutionary game changing mods Mojang: We added dog armor, take it or leave it lol.
  • @itsRobbie_
    I very rarely audibly say "wow" while seeing a mod for a game or a shader mod or whatever else, but wow this mod is incredible. I was saying wow at almost every shot
  • Minecaft's modding community is honestly insane. Its to the point that its not really even just adding features & whatnot anymore, they're literally improving the back-end code of the game. I cant think of any modding community that's on that level. Maybe modders of Valve games, i dunno Edit: It's hard to compare modding communities or any creative fandom in general to one another, because people almost always only deeply know one side of the argument and never both.
  • @Crackerjack917
    hearing lvlcap talk about wanting to play with his is son in minecraft feels like i've reached the end of a circle. years ago i was a kid watching his content, now im an adult watching his content - congrats man, hope your son enjoys the mod and the game!
  • @ThatGuyyApollo
    The level of beauty seeing the landscape in the distance is on par with Red Dead Redemption 2. Playing RDR2 I get lost so easily just staring into the distance and know that I can physically go there and interact with the place I’m looking at right now. So being able to see all those chunks in the distance with the shaders mod, man never thought blocks would be so pretty.
  • @AlanW
    One wonders why Mojang has no interest in optimizations.
  • @DrFaex
    Should be noted that shader compatibility (Iris) with DH is still in early beta and is prone to crashes and bugs, and it's only available in the mod's discord. The modders recommend waiting until full release
  • @MatthewCornish
    This is stunning but Mojang should have been the ones making their rendering engine better... so I'm incredibly thankful to the modding community for things like shaders and distant horizons
  • @chiaracoetzee
    I haven't really played Minecraft in years but when I saw this I had to install it. And I am just... blown away, moved to tears, it's so beautiful. Being able to stand on a hilltop and look into the distance, see the distant rivers and mountain peaks, and then being able to really go there, to those distant places, and build anything I want there, and look back in the distance on the hilltop that I came from... it's a completely unprecedented experience. I'm at a loss for words.
  • For those that are curious about how it looks in VR I’ve tried it. Unfortunately you really notice the drastically lower block detail when the distant horizon is rendered in. It’s amplified a lot in VR. To be fair it’s not meant for VR. Hopefully in the future that’ll change cause it’s an incredible mod. For flat screen, levelcap is spot on. it’s an absolute game changer. The distant horizon blends in so well with the rendered world. It’s stunning to get this at little to no fps hit. Really shows the vastness of your Minecraft world. Edit: With the latest update, VR compatible shaders BSL and Complementary can now be used with DH! It is beautiful in VR.
  • @ivvan497
    God damn it. I first played minecraft back in elementary school, in like 2011 when it came out. It looked so bad compared to today. Looking at this gives me kind nostalgia about my own childhood and how minecraft was just starting out. Honestly, I'm really happy for this game, it came so far since 2011. Today I'm looking at this game like that one special toy you had when you were a kid that you will always remember. The memories man... 🥲
  • I’m installing this! Fantastic, literally this game is alive today because of its abundance of FREE content and the games huge community support.
  • @tinypixiebread
    Who could have guessed a game about exploration needed to let you see where you are exploring was important for over 10 years
  • @jringler.medien
    man, i got tears in my eyes, watching you telling you are going to play with your son minecraft is enough to make a young man cry one of my fondest memorys is playing minecraft as a kid and watching your bf3 gameplay videos while i was saving up to buy it as well. Man, those were the golden times. Great Video as always. Thank you for everything since my sub on 28.11.2013❤️ This made my day
  • @NOT_a_skinwalker
    i've been gaming for three decades, to see this level of new tech being applied to older games really makes me glad. as a kid i only dreamt of games reaching levels that we've already surpassed
  • @AtomicPuma9
    Honestly I’ve always came back to Minecraft, nothing has ever driven me away from the game. Just that new games come out, I play through those then eventually you get the itch to go back and start again in Minecraft. Especially modded Minecraft, with 100+ mod packs that have quests and takes you through the game in a whole new light. Every modpack feels different, a whole new game sometimes and it’s only getting better with time. This is astounding to see that we’ve come this far in tech that a game that’s 12 years old can look just as good as some of the releases today. Even though the blocky look to the game stays the same it just looks good.
  • @alperaksoy1062
    I always wanted to have friends to play minecraft. I did have some friends who played 3-4 hours with me but i never have a world that has many players in it so long that when you are exploring you come across buildings your friends made, caves your friends dig etc. It was always my dream. Seeing these kind of minecraft videos always makes me emotional
  • @keylime6
    The part about you sharing the game with your son really warmed my heart. Ever since I was 8, I’ve always been obsessed with this beautiful game. I hope one day I might be able to share that obsession with my kids. I hope your son enjoys Minecraft 🥹