Sewing Serials ep. 2 | Paper Cutting

Published 2020-07-11
Hopefully this is the most boring video in this series, but I never cease to disappoint myself. In any case, learn how to draft an inset pocket (spoiler alert it's actually a bad pocket).

Music: "Yes Sir That's My Baby" sung by Lee Morse, Public Domain Mark 1.0
from the Internet Archive

Funny story about that song, in history class in high school we were doing a 1920s skit and I was playing The Radio and I sang this song but they left me on the same channel longer than 2 minutes and I couldn't think of any other songs from the period (the Barbershop song "1927" would have been on the nose and funny but I didn't think of it) so I sang the "doo doo"s until my friends watching almost cried from trying not to laugh.

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