Published 2024-07-11

All Comments (21)
  • @10ccdd
    Just by taking Rally Cry and replacing it with Rupture and changing to green gems like yours... wow.. my speed improved by 30s or better! Thanks for the insight!!
  • @Inevix
    So finished the build today, didn’t hit everything on correct master working yet but getting close. Grandfather makes a massive difference, I loose around 3k crit dmg just taking grandfather off. I took points off wallop from your last build and put in war cry and using 3 skills. Pits around 2 mins but don’t have everything master worked yet. Sitting at a bit over 6k crit dmg and 60% crit chance, 29% on the glyph for bersekring dmg
  • Is it worth dumping elements aspect and can I move dust devil aspect to gloves instead and running heart of selig?
  • @Smilez91
    How do you make your cursor so bright? And how do you make that effect on the cursor?
  • @excid1
    I'm currently using a Robs WW build (Tyraels speed). Is there any benefit in your paragon that assists rupture? Wondering if i can just change my skill tree to what you're using and drop the shout for rupture. Thanks for the video man!
  • @nettlestoo
    When on a boss do you use your rupture in your rotation?
  • I have a problem with, I don't know if it's my build or a confirmed bug, but I frequently experience battling pit boss and their life bar doesn't move even I put tons of damage. then after few seconds it normalizes and damage registers on the life bar as it should be. please confirm if this is really an existing bug.
  • @Astartes5
    This build looks promising... I have Shako, Tyrael's might and Grandpapa but still didn't get ring of starless skies. Can I replace it with something else or will I loose bunch of damage otherwise?
  • @MarkEdwardTan
    What is that holy bolt like effect when you do tornado? How to do those please? Thanks
  • @trofiaczek
    I have shako and grandfather but no tyrael and ring skies. I have challenging shout without rupture but i kill Boss around 15 seconds rupture is good for Boss?
  • @LuKanO84
    There is not a hard cap on dmg while berserking, u want that to be max 296.7% to get 30% dmg bonus from bloodrage legendary node. After that all dmg while berserking becomes addictive and thus nearly irrelevant
  • @nguyenxayza3
    Increasing damage isn't very effective for bleed. You should look for weapons with life stats or reroll for life on the weapon.
  • @trofiaczek
    I run 25 zir no uber if i had ubers this build will be crazy
  • @Sebolonius
    Question? Since I changed my build to yours I have Huge Fury issues?? My ring does not have Fury on kill is that why? does this make a huge difference? because I have to remouve Bold Chieftain's Aspect to vocalize empowerment on my ring. BTW I have all the ubers needed I am testing all the varient possible.. Thank you so much for your time :)