Woman Scolds Man For Using Food Stamps (VIDEO)

Published 2016-05-03
Recently in a Walmart checkout line a woman was filmed berating a man for using food stamps. The video has now gone viral. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker (Pop Trigger), and Francis Maxwell (TYT Sports), hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"Video posted on YouTube shows a woman at a Walmart store loudly berating a man who was paying for his groceries with food stamps.

As a child sits in the man’s shopping cart looking on, the woman complains about how she is paying for his food with her tax money.

At another point, the woman claims the man must be a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

“That’s exactly what you vote for, they give it to you so that you vote that way,” the woman says. “I’m not stupid. I have a degree. I’m pretty damn smart.”

The footage picks up mid-argument. It’s not clear when or where it was filmed, or even if it was staged, as it was in a viral incident that took place in a Walmart parking lot late last year.

However, this argument has been going viral since being posted on YouTube last week, with more than 130,000 views to date, and there have been a number of reports of other shoppers being confronted in stores over their use of food stamps.

Ironically, the woman in the new video who is complaining about food stamps is shopping at Walmart — a retail chain where wages are so low that many workers qualify for public assistance.”*

Read more here: www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/food-stamp-fight-walm…

Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, Francis Maxwell

Cast: Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, Francis Maxwell


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

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All Comments (21)
  • @62dobie
    This lady doesn't know what this man's circumstances are, would she rather his kid go hungry? what an ignorant woman.
  • @Likeitornot91
    So this is where Sarah Palin disappeared to. Can't complain
  • @ShiloLasVegas87
  • At least he is using his benefits right and not selling them for crack. She was so wrong.
  • She's definitely a Trump supporter. I'm surprised she wasn't riding around Wal-Mart on a motorized scooter.
  • If you find yourself getting mad at someone poorer than you, you've been tricked by someone richer than you.
  • @brunon.8962
    I'm from the EU and I don't understand why american people hate poor people so much instead of being collaborative and solidary...
  • You can insult him all you want, but he's trying to feed his kid. You don't know him or his situation.
  • @freddietz96
    The status quo’s agenda worked: the poor have learned to loathe the even poorer.
  • @TheLifemission
    Going to college does not = automatic Einstein intelligence.....when will people realize this.
  • @ClaudiaWaite
    How embarrassing for her children. Why did no one stand up for him.
  • @OfficialMold
    One of the greatest American tragedies is how successful the rich have been in pitting the middle class against the poor.
  • @SerperiorCraft
    "I have a degree. I'm pretty damn smart." Oh, well that changes things.
  • @KayMurf901
    people like this women who say these types of things are the ones who barely pay any taxes.
  • I'm used to this, about once a month someone will tell me to get a job while I'm checking out at the grocery store. I've found that my reply of "oh, you're going to donate your kidney to me so I can go back to work?" usually shuts them up.
  • We give big corporations huge tax cuts and subsidies, but this woman's life is miserable because two bucks of the taxes she pays goes to help feed people. Someone has their priorities mixed up.
  • @jerrychicks2420
    I know people who uses food stamps and they are working too...
  • This kind of mentality (poor blaming poorer) had early beginnings in American slavery. Rich slaveowners were able to convince poor white farmers to hate black slaves, even though both were being screwed by the economy set in place by those rich slaveowners. The area managed to convince these poor white farmers to die fighting for the system that screwed them. The fact that this mentality has lasted to today is really sad.
  • @MadelineEckhart
    If we didnt need them we wouldnt be getting them. And lord knows I wish I didn't need them.