Inside Apple's iPhone Factory In China

Published 2021-01-14
Last month it emerged that Apple, the most valuable company in the world and supposedly an icon of squeaky-clean progressive values, brushed aside allegations of labour within its key Chinese supply chain.

The suggestion is that a big Apple supplier named Suyin Electronics employed workers as young as 14, in the interests of keeping up with the ferocious appetite for Apple goods in the west. Apple chided Suyin, but maintained ties for months and even years afterwards.

With new allegations like this, and a spate of associated with the brand’s manufacturing base over the years, we thought it was time we put on our lanyards and take a peek inside an iPhone factory in China.

Inside An iPhone Factory in China

All Comments (21)
  • @Joyo_Fi
    "That's horrible" - sent via iphone
  • @RizzoDaManiac
    Americans: OMG this is so wrong! Meanwhile: Walmart and Amazon
  • @ShuzhanSun
    Apple's price doesn’t depend on the cost, but depends on how much apple want to charge you customers for their brand😌
  • Easily some of the most under appreciated people. Dull, mundane, unfulfilling work sucks. I hope conditions get better for them, and I wish them all the best.
  • @brothersabo6145
    I like how there is only a momentary showing of the suicide nets and not a word about them.
  • @Billck24
    That why those factory will never move back to US.
  • I've worked in various factories for 35 years often doing repetitive work from soldering electronics to assembly. It can be very satisfying if not pressured to produce more than your able. I remember once as a teenager a foreman assigned me to work with 12 women putting pins and springs into key locks. The more they produced as a group the more they got paid. These women would talk to each other without looking down to pick multiple lengths of pins and springs, place them into the cylinders and down the belt it would go till it got to my station. I fumbled repeatedly and had has so many parts on the floor that the line came to a stop and they all eyed me like devils. One lady shot out of her seat, stormed into the foreman's and had me removed. I looked at the clock, less than ten minutes had passed.
  • @louieg7676
    Apple: lectures the world about progressive ideologies World: So, are you gonna stop doing business with abusive companies now? Apple: Well yes, but actually no!
  • @kaysha
    So they manufacture for everybody but the title says "Inside an Apple factory"? It's a Foxconn factory. Great information nevertheless
  • @alphahoss1947
    Behind every piece of new technology manufactured there is suffering somewhere in the world!
  • @eggboii982
    Location: China Workers: Children Company: Taiwanese Apple: American Me: Confusion
  • @BlindMango
    A company or person who always shouts how "progressive!" and "virtuous!" they are, are almost always the opposite of that
  • Let’s be honest every iPhone they produce provides Apple with a huge cash cow by overcharging customers and having a low paying work force.
  • @laurabi2907
    My brother is working at one of the electric factories like this. He chose to work there because he get paid. China has huge population, people want to work to support themselves and their family. There is no need to force anyone to work. It’s funny that so many people who have never been to China thought they know everything about China.
  • @guens01
    He said "employees are bored" while showing employees taking a nap. Classic
  • @utk787
    Its not just apple but every other phone manufacturer, thats doing this
  • @Marsalien100
    This reminds me of my job at Amazon right here in CANADA. This isn't just a China problem.
  • @tweezerjam
    If I ran a factory with this scenario I’d train everyone to master at least two different stations, just to keep morale up and my employees engaged. You can be more productive if you’re invested in what you’re doing. 💯