"Something Drastic Has To Happen" Roger Hallam | BBC HardTalk | Extinction Rebellion

Publicado 2019-08-17

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @NovaCostaRica
    The journalist tried to trap him so many times, and Roger’s answered brilliantly and bravely. I completely admire him and pray that many more (including myself) will be so courageous to join the movement, to sacrifice to protect our children’s future!
  • @donaldsunny7836
    I am a 50 year old granddad who will be going to the Extinction Rebellion demonstration in London in October. The first demo I have been to in my life. I am frightened for the future of my grandchildren.
  • @bcavara
    This guy is awesome. Thank you Roger!!!!
  • @maryenna1
    Both parties here did a good job. I'm a member of XR by the way. The BBC interviewer's job was to put the position and ideas of people not involved in XR, a large portion of people in the country. I was out on the streets yesterday talking to people about XR - I do that regularly. The interviewer gave Roger Hallam a platform to speak. The BBC has it's faults BUT it is still better than the outlets owned by Maxwell and overseas financial interests. Don't diss your BBC folks - that's dangerous. We need a news outlet that is publicly rather than privately owned desperately.
  • @MartinSnyman
    Keep up the good work Mr Hallam. Thank you for standing up.
  • @danzel1157
    Imagine; disrupting traffic just to prevent climate catastrophe!
  • Wow... I applaud Roger Hallam for being cool, calm and collected in this interview. I don't see nearly enough of this type of brutal truth telling in the U.S. on any main media channel. Good job! I agree with Mr. Hallam on every point.
  • @BuchholzerIn1
    When will the interviewer stop interrupting and accusing the man?
  • @misterguts
    I think what Stephen Sackur wants to know is "How are we going to get out of this climate emergency with all our former privileges intact? Why can't we just change the world without actually changing the world?"
  • So refreshing to have an environmental movement which welcomes the participation of ordinary people with low incomes and crap jobs.
  • @myrrhseart
    I stand with you, Roger, always. Thank you for your service to humanity and this Earth. Your strength in the face of adversity is admirable. Thank you.
  • @SteveP0412
    If there is a BBC in 20 years time, and Stephen Sackur is still alive, this interview will come back to haunt him, for sure.
  • @annabird8668
    Thank you Roger for your truth, wisdom and bravery. See you in London...
  • @matbrady123456
    The interviewer never once asked him what ER’s demands are. He only wanted to frame ER as negative and radical. How disgraceful.
  • @robertpoen5383
    A good primer on what to expect from mainstream journalists. Roger mopped the floor with him.
  • @EllieWyattMusic
    Stephen Sackur... what a condescending, pompous fool. Well done Roger, you handled it brilliantly.
  • @galettimusic3837
    One of the most rational people currently walking on the planet
  • @adrianbiber5340
    @15:48 Roger: "The elites and the BBC have simply not grasped the enormity of what's happening" BBC reporter: "I-- uhh uhh........."
  • @shamus2198
    I just came back to watch this absolutely riveting, stunning talk. Roger is such a badass in telling the truth. His argument is irrefutable.