Has Ai Ruined Etsy?

Published 2024-04-09

All Comments (12)
  • @bktart7169
    I made a coloring book earlier this year. When I started working on the project there was almost no AI coloring books and now its flooded. I still believe the real art from real artists will stand out and people will seek that art instead. Same with Etsy. I wish the platforms would do a better job of policing/categorizing the AI products to not confuse the buyer.
  • @veryfilthything
    I think you're correct about a lot of the things here. I think most people who actually pay for art don't want AI stuff anyways, because a lot of it just blends together and isn't tailored to the specific desires of the client. My clients have always appreciated feeling more involved in the work I do for them, and certainly most people churning out AI stuff aren't capitalizing on that at all. However, the problem is that we have to share these spaces with this AI sludge and it just drowns out everything else. Trying to find actual human art in many places has become a struggle because some categories are just flooded with AI. It doesn't matter if the AI art is better or worse; there's just too much of it for me to actually find what I wanna see. AI prompters spam upwards of 50 pictures a day on places like DeviantArt, utterly choking the uploads. Artists having to share their space with prompting machines just makes things way harder than it needs to be for us. There are already websites which don't allow AI content period, but very few paying clients use them. I'm not really sure what to do right now in that regard.
  • @Meepfinch
    Not only etsy has been flooded, but pinterest too. Very annoying if you're looking for inspiration or references since you can't filter out AI by looking at specific hashtags like on other social media. I can't wait until AI art gets somewhat regulated, if that's even possible.
  • @TaTa-xd5yt
    That background music sounds so goofy/cute for such a serious topic lol
  • @ecupcakes2735
    Etsy needs to do something! Its supposed to be for handcraft artists not fkin computational images 😢
  • @BaddeBadger
    "Subscribe or I'll find you" AI could never come up with this 😂
  • @homeoffice3524
    I personally like chat bot picture generators and different chat bots and hat everyone try to make special and call ai. But never ever I will gonna pay money for this. Play around fun and cool, buying fuck that!
  • @lvn5609
    Thank you so much. I spend so much time arguing with AI bros lately. This vid is a breath of fresh air 🙃 Also, I waste my life for nothing lol, me better go draw