Satoshi Kon and Why Love Is All You Need Ep. 3 - Tokyo Godfathers

Published 2019-05-23

All Comments (21)
    Bready's back with the demonetized vidz Trigger Warnings: sexual assault, domestic violence, homelessness, transphobia, and homophobia I hope everything I discussed comes across respectfully and I love u <3 PATREON: TWITTER: DISCORD: (Also p.s. the triple ads on this video are from the companies that demonetized it, not from me! You know your boy wouldn't do you like that! I'm sorry!)
  • @Germania9
    Can we talk about the character expressions in Tokyo Godfathers? You don't always get acting like these in any other anime except Cowboy Bebop.
  • @sobeso
    "Free one day shipping of them hands" that's going down in history
  • @missjade6410
    Your content is so confusing. I feel like I understand everything and nothing at the same time and I love it. Never stop.
  • I saw Tokyo Godfather before I came out as trans, and since then I've done surveys in neighborhoods about homelessness, done volunteer work and interviewed with various homeless people. I've seen and given the various prejudices of being a transwoman, from both of my parents and from others. And every time, I can recall this movie and the struggles it depicts. Even without having seen Tokyo Godfather for almost 7 years now, I can recall these scenes and mentally replay them and find how so much of my life's experiences and the injustices of it have been reflected in there. I'm glad there's a video that talks about it so meticulously. I'm 3 months late and this comment's going to be buried but thank you for everything you've done here.
  • @mothersbasement
    Fantastic video. You really did justice to one of my all time favourite movies - while bringing to light the social issues at its heart. I knew things were bad for addicts, LGBTQ folk, and women in Japan, but some of the statistics you dug up for this are downright horrifying.
  • @tekufu
    Holy F*cking Sh!t!!!! Dropped part 3 out of nowhere
  • @verdatum
    Satoshi Kon is the GOD of Anime. I wish there were more like him. We lost him far too soon.
  • Mr. Breadsword You are to anime retrospectives what Ken Burns is to contemporary documentaries. You should be proud of this work you have gifted to everyone.
  • Anime and why breadsword is all you need. You unpack such complicated and adored artworks so well. It all just makes me inspired to feel the passion of satoshi's work again and again. Thank you for taking the time so shine a little light our way, you brilliant man.
  • The murder of Brianna Ghey was my final straw. I have gotten through two trans rememberences watching many video essays about my oppression and in trans spaces where we acknowledge those we lose in real time but I have finally broke. I’ve been in and out of dissociation and breakdowns because I didn’t let myself feel before because it was just to painful, so now I break and finally be genuinely upset. I came here because this video honestly almost more than any other reminds me that we deserve love, we deserve life, and we still receive it. That’s what Hana’s connection to love and subsequent saved life represents to me. Even though we are endlessly abused and hurt we still have love, even if we don’t know it. I hope Brianna knew she had love…we all fucking deserve it
  • @Timman96
    Causally dropping the entire history of human history across the world, and pulling it into a concise purpose like it's child's play. I love ya man
  • Breadsword continues to be a one of the most captivating guys on this place. It such a joy watching a guy who is absolutely fascinated by what he's sharing and never comes off as a pretentious jerk who just wants to show how smart he is
  • @noiserabbit
    oh you really went off with this one! with all honestly the closer I reached the end the more teary I got until your character analysis of Hana. I am a sucker for love and I do see it as the driving force to my everyday life so seeing a project around one of my favorite director and the themes of love in his work really hits hard. Thank you for making such amazing work and I hope you continue doing so
  • @brailleme7441
    Christmas is not Christmas for me if I don’t watch Tokyo Godfathers (followed by Hogfather).
  • @gregkh654
    I honestly started tearing up at the end man. Thanks again for an amazing ride Breaddaddy, you make 57 minutes move as fast as the wind. <3
  • @saigegrant2982
    Alright, let me gush over you for a second. I already loved this movie, as well as Satoshi Kon's other works. But you bring up so many cultural and societal perspectives I didn't know about and it brings the whole film into a new light. It adds so much more depth and meaning beyond just good storytelling and cinematic devices, and I feel like I can better appreciate the work as it was meant to be seen. All I want to do is rewatch it now. Thank you so much, please, please keep making videos!