Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 05: "HIRED GUNS"

Published 2009-09-08
To register for the 2015 course, visit www.edx.org/course/justice-harvardx-er22-1x-0.

During the Civil War, men drafted into war had the option of hiring substitutes to fight in their place. Professor Sandel asks students whether they consider this policy just. Many do not, arguing that it is unfair to allow the affluent to avoid serving and risking their lives by paying less privileged citizens to fight in their place. This leads to a classroom debate about war and conscription. Is todays voluntary army open to the same objection? Should military service be allocated by the labor market or by conscription? What role should patriotism play, and what are the obligations of citizenship? Is there a civic duty to serve ones country? And are utilitarians and libertarians able to account for this duty?


In this lecture, Professor Sandel examines the principle of free-market exchange in light of the contemporary controversy over reproductive rights. Sandel begins with a humorous discussion of the business of egg and sperm donation. He then describes the case of Baby M"—a famous legal battle in the mid-eighties that raised the unsettling question, Who owns a baby?" In 1985, a woman named Mary Beth Whitehead signed a contract with a New Jersey couple, agreeing to be a surrogate mother in exchange for a fee of $10,000. However, after giving birth, Ms. Whitehead decided she wanted to keep the child, and the case went to court. Sandel and students debate the nature of informed consent, the morality of selling a human life, and the meaning of maternal rights.

All Comments (21)
  • @afatdutch
    poor Raul has to tell him his name every class
  • Again we see ma man Raul trying to be remembered by Sandel and we can notice the disapointment on his face whe he is not. Keep trying Raul , you got 14 episodes to go
  • @Flowzie
    I'm just fascinated, binge watching everything by Michael Sandel like its a Netflix show lol
  • He drifts from one scenario to another introducing a new philosophy asking questions and engaging students in a debate which involves asking more questions and sometimes there is no answer to that question. That is called philosophy, asking questions and debating, and not necessarily finding an answer! Brilliant
  • Michael Sandel should receive a Nobel Peace prize for his excellent ability to engage young minds into making informed decisions about the fundamental questions of our life in society
  • @BerriesandSpice
    This is one of the most fascinating and engaging courses I've come across on YouTube. I find myself sharing my opinions out loud and wishing I were in that class.
  • @datlechi6646
    Michael Sandel never said er or um.. in all of his sentences. Which means he is a very professional presenter and citric
  • @sidkul2k
    at 13:40 , the coercion is not on the laborer who takes the $300 to go in place of someone who can afford to pay, but rather in the case of someone being nominated to go to war but cannot afford to buy themselves a way out.
  • @Crapweeds
    Raul! If you don't know Raul by now then there is something wrong with you.
  • @lygiabird6988
    Raul is the protagonist of this series and Professor Sandel is the antagonist, depriving him of the recognition he desires
  • @CzechRiot
    I actually got the exact amount right, I said 50 thousand dollars immediately when he first asked the question. Seems like I'm a natural talent for foetus pricing.
  • @alhadyhomed333
    39:28 That girl in the back was so shocked to what the speaker said hahaahhahaha
  • @petegood3230
    Michael always does a great job extrapolating the thoughts of the students sometimes poorly expressed thoughts. This is the first time I saw an argument go a little side ways it looked like one of the students pointed out the injustice of a poor man being conscripted not having the wealth outsource their duty as compared to say Carnegie but the lecture went sideways and focused on the legitimate transaction between the wealthy and the merc
  • @yj_chew
    love seeing students being able to discuss different viewpoints instead of having shouting matches
  • @Kevin-vd1nm
    That's Andrew's challenge Andrew's face: That's not my challenge
  • @dannybandera412
    I just started my masters and i felt this video more engaging and knowledgeable then almost all of my bachelors classes. This was an assignment for my first master class. I hope it follows suite.
  • Never thought I would be so invested his his lectures . I got this on my recommend.. and I binged to this point in one sitting . I absolutely love it. Will definitely continue to follow his lectures
  • @kamalkamal0123
    00:40 - What are the limits on the Govt that even the agreement of the major can't override ? 02:21 - If we agree to the libertarian concept of self-possession then is it right for govt to send people to fight on borders through coercive legislation? What does Locke say in this regard - 'Arbitraryness' - Locke argues that as long as the action of the state is not arbitrary it is justified. 04:21 - Why is consent such a powerful moral instrument in creating political authority and obligation to obey ? 05:35 - Example of US fighting in Iraq - Not enough recruitment - possible options 1. ⬆️ remuneration 2. Lottery Conscription 3. hiring mercenaries 08:59 - Civil war system - Hybrid system - Conscription + buyout was it a just system ? 11:33 - Riskier jobs are offered to marginal section of society - In this case it is not just to claim that this is choice of that person to accept the riskier job. it may be socio-economic coercion that unemployment is so rampant for this section that they are coerced to take up any job for money for sustenance. It may look like a free exchange, voluntary but it may be coercion. - this is possible justification for why most of people in army comes from sections having lower economic status 18:26 - Emily's powerful response - that seems totally just too -- Conscription might be better than all-volunteer army system where everyone has sense of responsibility and awareness of conflict rather than few individuals justifying cause of war without sense of responsibility. 21:51 - Should Patriotism be the primary motive behind military services offered by individuals ? 25:54 - V. Imp Question to mull upon - How inequalities in background conditions of society restrict choices that people in regard of buying and selling of labor. 27:44 - Role of Markets in realm of Human reproduction and procreation - advertisement for egg and sperm donors by fertility clinic - Raising the question that should egg/sperm should or shouldn't be sold or bought for the money ? 33:28 - Case of Commercial surrogate motherhood - After giving birth surrogate mother changed her mind and wanted to keep the baby. - Baby M case Another question to think about - Can surrogacy and adoption contracts be compared to baby selling? in Baby M case- Supreme courts took the stand that the contract is not enforceable - Based on the following grounds 1. lack of information regarding bond a mother might develop 2. Courts also equate it to the sale of a Child. there are some things in a civilized society that money can't buy. "by requiring the surrogate mother to repress whatever parental love she feels for the child, It is duly compared to the effort to convert women's labor into a form of alienated labor." - by Elizabeth Anderson
  • @C3yl0
    His classes are amazing. I am in love with Philosophy, Economics, and Cognitive Neuroscience. In all cases we are challenging these fields in our decision making process. Sublime! 👽♥️♥️♥️
  • Professor's gonna keep asking his name till Raool accepts his name's actually Rahul