Humpback Whale Breaches on Top of Kayakers

Published 2015-09-13
On our 08:00 am Sanctuary Cruises whale tour, just outside the harbor in Moss Landing, two kayakers on a tandam kayak were almost crushed to death by a massive, near full-size humpback whale. We stopped to see a large aggregation of humpbacks feeding and carrying on with random acts of hijinks. There were also a lot of kayakers right in the middle of it all. Humpbacks were coming up next to and in the middle of many kayakers. It was amusing. It's all fun and games until someone gets jumped on. The next thing we knew, this thing launched right on top of these two kayakers. That was heavy. The video was shot by Sanctuary Cruises passenger Larry Plants.

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All Comments (21)
  • @KanadaTomoyuki
    ゆる言語学ラジオから来ました。 御著者「クジラと話す方法(How to speak Whale)」 買います!!(^_^)v
  • @as-sz8pr
    They lived! For anyone interested, one of the people in the kayak is a wildlife filmmaker, and he's writing a book about this experience and how it inspired him to learn about animal communication. it's called How to Speak Whale and comes out this summer.
  • @zer0b0t
    Sees somebody die in front of him... "Ooh I got it on video [laughs], He knocked it over!"... sounding very pleased.
  • @SotHhit
    Only thing people care about now, "I got that on video". No worry for the people at all. Crazy
  • @quacktac
    The slow motion part sounds like whale song.
  • @gigiblack2231
    Lol the guys first reaction to the whale almost killing the kayakers. "I've got it! I've got it on video!" Priceless.
  • I love how some people are cheering, laughing, and clapping even.... Great way to respond to 2 people almost biting the dust... Some people just have no sense at all. This feels something akin to bystander effect. For one thing, its just kinda stupid to Kayak purposely by whales coming up for air. The reaction of these people confirms the stupid part of the crowd. To the woman who realized 2 people in danger, you are one of few people there with any sense, hats off to her.
  • @sharikay13
    I'm that one woman more focused on what happened to the people in the Kayak than getting the whale on video xD
  • Woah! Those kayakers almost got humpbacked! All chill and then wambamcazam!
  • @shaneyellin4831
    If you take a closer look, it didn't land on them. They were likely flipped by the wave from its landing. Very close though.
  • 0:34 onwards is actually audio of the whale expressing his joy after getting a sweet shot of some wild Kayakers on his GoPro.
  • @unabonger777
    it looks to me like the whale saw them at the last moment and managed to turn its body to avoid hitting them directly.
  • "I got him on video..." would have been my SECOND response, right after "Oh shit, I hope they're O.K." being my first! And I certainly wouldn't have had a jovial tone in my voice, at least not until I had an idea of how the kayakers were. Shallow, callow people indeed.
  • What's amazing is the fact that after the huge whale 'landed' on those two poor souls, the people watching were laughing and clapping and i think i even heard a 'wow'....they just treated it like some joke instead of realizing that two people could be seriously hurt or even dead...the whale must have weighed in at a minimum of a few tonnes
  • @duncankimball
    Just heard the filmmaker who was in the kayak being interviewed. The video was later analysed by an animal movement expert and they concluded that this was wholly accidental and in fact the whale saw them as it breached and twisted aside as it fell to avoid landing right on top of them.