The Snyder Cut Does (Not) Exist | Folding Ideas

Published 2019-12-13
Clickbait Title: Odds Are You'll Probably Never See The Snyder Cut of Justice League

I do talk about the recent rumours with HBO Max, but it's not until the end of the video, so it's basically a guarantee that the comments are going to be full of commenters telling me I didn't talk about things that I definitely did talk about. I know mocking knee-jerk comments in the description is pretty hack, but knee-jerk comments are also pretty hack, so a hack for a hack I guess.

Written and performed by Dan Olson


All Comments (21)
  • @FoldingIdeas
    Apparently I wrote the wrong studio for Mission Impossible 6 two years ago and didn't double check because I assumed I'd checked two years ago in the first place.
  • @wegogiant
    "There's almost no chance this will get released, but if it does, there's exactly one way it could happen" - Cut to a year and a half later and Dan was right about everything.
  • @K-bb2bc
    Lord grant me the serenity to not read the comments, the courage to not read the comments, and the wisdom to not read the comments.
  • @04whim
    Warner: Does exactly what Dan said they would. The comments: "Hmm yeah I bet you feel pretty stupid now don't you? I am very smart."
  • It would have been funny if you'd partially shot this two years ago and then awkwardly cut the old footage in with new footage.
  • @nickymo
    ‘They would never do this unless there was a sudden massive shift in priorities for big studios’ this was december 2019 holy shitttt
  • @seamusburke639
    The only thing Dan was wrong about was the cost of completing the Snyder Cut. He estimated $30 million, and finishing the Snyder Cut cost almost twice that.
  • The Snyder Cut is a technique no novice swordsman could hope to learn
  • The only thing Dan didn’t predict in this video is the covid pandemic making release-on-streaming a much more palatable option for Warner Brothers for it, because what else could they do, and now it doesn’t have to live with the shame of being a direct-to-dvd release.
  • @doom_delrey9736
    Snyder Cut is releasing in the exact way Dan posited, as an exclusive for HBO Max. He didn’t take an “L” here.
  • @shadyguy23
    "Again, X-Men Origins is highly instructive," is not a phrase I thought there'd be any context for.
  • @xivCatumin
    When the Snyder Cut reaches a point that wasn't shot, it will just cut to a video of Snyder sitting in a chair going "Okay, so this scene was going to be..."
  • The only things this video got wrong was -the release date (2021, not 2020) -it being a long series and not a movie he literally predicted everything else
  • @youtub-fj8mu
    The comments from people that didn't watch the video saying he was wrong, even though he predicted pretty much everything, are mildly annoying
  • @elmer4090
    An overly serious Zack Snyder film with special effects that look like they belong on a cheap kid's TV show would be the funniest thing ever
  • The closest I’ve seen to releasing a whole raw movie is Robert Rodriguez released a bonus feature of Sin City with all the effects removed. They released it sped up and with no sound but it was really cool to see the raw footage. He did it as a way of showing how to shoot a movie relatively cheap with green screen and it was really cool.
  • @names5354
    I came back to re watch this video after the announcement of the cut ready to laugh at how this "aged like milk", but after finishing re watching I am now very impressed by how well Dan Olson can predict studio decisions. Also based on some of the new comments here I can tell a lot of you just read the tittle and commented instead of watching it, because for the most part Dan called it.