Crowd Reaction to Cyberpunk DLC and 2.0 update trailer | Gamescom 2023, Opening Night Live 2023

Published 2023-08-23

All Comments (14)
  • @PhO3NiX96
    I played the expansion, and I can tell the updates and expansion are SO MUCH better than the trailer imo lol
  • @zart3k
  • what's up with announcing the game before trailer, ruins a surprise
  • @eusuntlupulalb
    What a shame and lost this traillers not working or appearin on xbox series x when u launch Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty 😢
  • @nogsalex
    The reaction was kinda disappointing
  • @gooddrugs649
    why they flex with the fact, they added only 5 weapons? xD don't get me wrong, the game is great, but number of weapons available is a joke.
  • @Unleashed75
    While I'm enjoying the game, having not long got it. First, spoiler free Play-Through finished and done a quick 2nd to see another ending and quick saved to shoot myself and hand my life to Johnny. I'm now starting again where I can do it all, but still, I would not have cheered for a DLC unless the update fixed the bugs, but it didn't. It added more and ducked up other things. This game is still a ducking mess! I started on 2.1 and tried to work out the gun mods only to find out they changed how they work. Crafting, that explains duck all and what you do want, you can't craft. Some of storylines sound like an afterthought. Basically, the core game is still a pill of cat waste filled with bugs. Crashes, gliched characters, items, and the optimisations that were made to make things pop in to view or change from low ploy to high. It's all breaks the enjoyment. The number of times I've had to reload a save or just watch as a gun or item is stuck to a characters hand when it's not meant to, it's all a joke, a joke on us. Yet companies like this get away with it, charge high, and we let them! What makes this game good is one storyline and the modding community, who improve and fix this game! Shouldn't be down to them though!! In my eyes, they have no right to be putting on big shows like this and wasting money, which should be used to fix their game. Doesn't matter how good the DLC is when your triple A game still has problems. Looking at their profits and the fact I paid for this game on 50% sale, I still paid too much in it's current state, even after 3 years!
  • @ImDismanteledXD
    How can people still cheer on this game ?? Its a buggy overpriced mess ? Its like blizzard made it...
  • @OSTE929
    This game is masterpiece, just bought ps5 and spent 65h already and I want more... Such an amazing game...