INSANE Excuses Students Give Teachers

Published 2023-02-12
We are back in action with special guest Ms. M to navigate the wacky and random world of student excuses. From "the dog ate my entire backpack" to fake tears that would gain Oscar nominations, we have seen and heard it all. But which ones are worthy of a passing grade, and which ones deserve detention?

Listen in as we break down the good, the bad, and the hilarious excuses that have crossed our desks.

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All Comments (21)
  • @annem4203
    As a parent, I had to write a note for my son that his little sister had eaten his homework. (I put the leftover pieces in a plastic baggie and stapled the note to it.) I've laughed at this with colleagues many times.
  • @annad8823
    My cat ate my homework 😂 I walked in to her ripping it up so I took what I could away from her and started recording a video of her trying to get it back from me. Lmao my teacher died laughing the next day and gave me a pass on it.
  • Oh man I have a horror story about being told "you can't go to the bathroom" in elementary school...... I had undiagnosed migraines as a child..... Doctors couldn't find a reason for why a healthy child was getting migraines. Before I was put on medication for it, I would get sick once a week, on average. Kindergarten had an issue with it until my parents sent in a Doctors note. 1st Grade, no problems when I needed the nurse. 2nd teacher thought I was faking it. I had to suffer all day in class, under bright fluorescent lights, frequent bathroom breaks because vomiting is a lovely side effect & I even got sick on the playground during miserable by the time I got home & told my parents. They were livid!!! Never again did my teacher stop me from going to the nurse's office..... But many times I was afraid to ask fearing he would say no.
  • 0:27 has anyone else ever noticed that Mrs. Woolley doubles as the bartender? 😂
  • @amieoss7954
    I was literally told by a parent that a kid ate their homework... "I don't know what happened, Miss Oss. It was completely finished, and was sitting on the table last night. One of the kids must have eaten it! I am so angry that they did that!"
  • @LordAshen
    I would like to say, as a teenager I did indeed have my homework shredded by my demon cat. I presented all I could salvage to my teacher and just said "My cat killed it..." lol
  • @JelliRainbowz
    Here’s to teachers doing their best when some parents are doing their kids a disservice <3
  • I literally cheated from kindergarten through senior year. Looking back I think “it was so easy, the answers were always in the passage, why didn’t you just read it!!” Luckily I have a daughter who is starting pre k in the fall, so I’ll be able to relearn everything along with her from start to end. Modern day Billy Madison haha
  • Lol my go to excuse is as someone who’s also living in sticks, “Sorry I got stuck behind another tractor today on the backroads”😂🙄
  • As a middle school student my math teacher 1.always call in sick 2. She also says that her third block is her favorite Third block is related arts as in her planning
  • @shirsch7048
    I love it when a parent gets so frustrated about the student’s grade or not turning in the work and admits that the parent had done the assignment instead.
  • I had undiagnosed adhd in HS and I definitely did my hw but forgot it a lot 😭 or I'd have it in my folder but forget to actually turn it in lol. Teachers prob thought I was lying
  • I was the worst liar at school about homework but my teachers thought it was funny so I'd never get in trouble. I'd even tell them "I couldn't be bothered to do it coz it wasn't worth my time but do you wanna hear my excuse" and I'd then go into a crazy story about my nans friends daughters classmates cats best friend 😂
  • @JP_doesitall
    My dad is a narcissist with OCD, and when I was in the third grade at eight years old, diagnosed with ADHD with no treatment, plan, medication, and therapy discontinued by him, I would do my homework at the kitchen table, and in the morning it would be gone. Either missing, or in the trash, soiled by food. So I told my teacher that my dad threw away my homework. This went on about five more times, and then my teacher called my mom who had no idea what was going on and told my teacher that I was lying. It made me feel crazy and so I just stopped doing my homework the school then put me in special Ed and I learned nothing in those special bungalows for special kids & because I was so emotionally erratic from being manipulated, they believed I belonged there. Years later my mom found a stack of my hw assignments stashed at my dads work station in the garage. But through this experience, it taught me to lie. To make up wild lies and believable lies just to survive. So, yah… students make up the craziest shit, but like, also adults are evil & you don’t know what kids are really going through. 🤷🏽
  • That reading assignment log..... man, the memories lol This was what got me to love books (that & a monthly book club where your reading points earned you purchasing points to choose books to keep -- I had a beast collection of Goosebumps). My mom was no nonsense & would call my BS out, so she never forged a signature for me (but I did to her lol). During the 90s (loved that time) in elementary school, we had the Book It club. Best believe, that personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut gave my little self the initiative to read so many books that I earned a lot of free food lol My school cut out the cheaters for it...... For every book you read, you HAD to write a minimum 1 page book report about the book you read. No one got a free pizza without the handwork....unlike how today's kids cheat & still get rewarded. But if it wasn't for that & other reading programs in my early school years, I may not have grown up to be an adult who absolutely loves fantasy fiction!!!! I feel sad for the generations that came after us because tech is not a good replacement for language development & the creativity you obtain through reading. My elementary teachers are still my absolute favorite that I frequently saw since becoming an adult (I wish I could've ran into all of them).
  • I had my kids write a sentence or two for each 20 minutes read (for future book reports AND to help them remember what they read). My nephew read 400 minutes in 2.5 weeks to “win” a leopard gecko in the summer reading program (I thought it should’ve been 600+ but I didn’t make the choice). We had her for 6 years before the mom gave it away (I’m the aunt/was a nanny for them).
  • @joans3699
    I was the the student that never did my hw. I did one project, and was carrying it around all day, as I didn't want it to get wrinkled in my bag. I got to class, I didn't have it, teacher took me to the hall and gave me a big lecture about lying, but finally let me go see if I left it in a previous class. I had left it in the study hall room. (I ended up getting an A, and didn't have to do the oral presentation that went with it)
  • This reminds me of a time in my precalculus class, my junior year in high school, and we were of a test this particular day so since my table group was next to my teachers desk and a since a couple of table classmates were arguing about whatever it was but they were whispering while arguing and my teacher was so fed up that she whispered back "butt cheeks stop being such a butt cheek, we are in a middle of taking a should be quiet..." or something like that and those of us that heard it started laughing so hard 😂
  • @carlcarr9584
    As an eagle scout from a troop that is chartered by the military the roles are switched for the scouts until the scout makes it to eagle. My dad was one of the most funny with his classic "I'm not edumucated" joke during eagle project work days to give the stubborn worker role to help teach the scouts how to lead a team with a stubborn employee or colleague.
  • @mbcjr01
    My brothers and I always did our reading logs. Our mom made it part of our nightly routine to read. It wound up not even being work most of the time for us to get it done.