Battle hymn of the Republic Metal remix - Girls und Panzer

Published 2022-06-06
Commander Kay, Naomi and Alisa listen to Saunder's university Highschool anthem.

This video features characters from the anime Series Girls und Panzer

#girlsundpanzer #metal #remix

All Comments (16)
  • American military music is either us making fun of ourselves, our enemies, fighting for the will of God or how brutally we will die and we sing it with such high morale because we are Americans.
  • @Austin1723
    POV: You're an Abrams loader at 73 Easting
  • Battle Hyms Of The Republic · Lukie Carelsen · Gerrit Janse Van Veuren
  • All right gang, time to show the Euros how it is done. Fix bayonets, we're going over the top at the sound of the whistle. This is the big suck we've always had drilled into our heads in basic. Why? Because someone forgot to bring the peanuts and I'm out of my favorite red cans too. Therefore, we're going to charge into certain death, because we're the infantry. And infantry are poor and bloodied. Otherwise, we'd be in the Tanks or the Chair Force or joining those misguided kids in having our asses ride in Navy equipment. But the Marines are right there! I was talking about their own Chair Force. Oh.
  • When T-29 shows up in the battlefield, with all three of these girls, helmet-chan and Gunner-Chan inside~
  • @rafaelkesic
    Broke: Battle Hymn of the Republic Woke: Blood Upon the Risers Bespoke: The EDF Deploys
  • @butwhytho5328
    I may be a communist but I do love some American music and this sounds really American