Student Pilot crosses Runway Hold Short Bars without permission!

Published 2020-09-20

All Comments (21)
  • That's a perfect example of how air traffic controllers are not out to get us pilots, and for us not to be worried about calling "the number." He just wanted to know if she recognized her mistake for safety reasons. KMYF is a big training airfield so I'm sure ATC has more patience than most.
  • @iwayini
    Fantastic Controller. Wish they all had the time and patience as that chap.
  • May this student pilot have an understanding of what happened, learn from this error, continue to push forward, and have a very successful future in aviation.
  • @MrWheeler715
    I teach a course called Theory of Knowledge and there is a concept called the Curse of Knowledge. It is a cognitive bias that suggests that we have a hard time understanding why someone doesn't know what we know. In other words, once you know something, and are proficient at it, it's very easy to forget what it is like to NOT know that thing. I have to remind myself of this when teaching students--it might be the fiftieth time I've talked about this concept, but for them, it's the first. Part of the learning process.
  • @GhostSheep96
    This controller was amazing. He tried to calm her down and explained to her, what the problem was and made sure she understand. Props to him!
  • @TobiasRieper047
    Before slinging around negativity to this student, we all got to learn our things in one way or another. Making mistakes is part of it. Just like driving a car for the first time and you didn't press in the clutch far enough whilst trying to shift. It happens, it slaps your face, but it'll teach you immediately on what to do next time. She's a student pilot for a reason, I'm certain the tower is aware of the fact she's a student pilot, probably flew out there with an instructor and she may very well be familiar with the area. Don't judge so harshly, if you get your fingers cut off for every single mistake you've made in your life, you'd probably have no arms left...
  • @mytech6779
    This happened to me on my first night flight a few years ago, but they were fully on the runway. I was on final and noticed some strobe lights near the threshold, took a moment to sort out that they were not runway end lights. Just as I started to say "I think that's a plane" to my instructor, the Tower cuts in "456 GO AROUND!" Just strobes, I didn't see any nav, beacon, or anti collision lights. Not to close, I still had a 100-200 feet of altitude. It was also my first time at a towered airport.
  • This was a heartwarming set of transmissions. Three cheers for both pilots that had to go-around, the stress management from tower, and the kind and understanding ground controller.
  • @greatocean9944
    Barely left comments on Youtube, but I have to say that ATCs at KMYF are one of the best in the field. As an international student who have been having a training at KMYF since last year, I can’t express my appreciation enough for them. I had had difficulty in communicating through the radio and also had a fear of talking to ATC, but they were always there being patient and calm no matter how I messed up. That doesn’t mean unprofessional as you can see in the video. They always do their best on their duty but in a manner of extremely considering. Thanks for them I always take off with confidence and that means a lot when I’m flying in SoCal, one of the busiest airspace in the country as far as I know. Feel sorry for what happened to the student pilot but I’m sure that everyone including myself learns and grows a step forward from mistakes so hope she would just consider this as an epic lesson out of the classroom!
  • Ohh no, the trusty "copy a phone number" on a student trip. She will be fine as long she learns from this.
  • @deanc.5984
    Thank you ATC for being patient, not screaming, ruining a new person's aviation career. She'll learn, life goes on.👍
  • @williebrown3941
    Does there live a pilot who has not made this mistake, or a similar mistake, or worse, at least once? Very professional and empathetic controller. Thanks to him and all the great ones.!
    Student: “ so I can’t fly anymore?” Ground Super: “No Ma’am. Never again. Get off my taxiway.”
  • @DBR00
    Extremely professional Ground Controller. Instead of ripping the pilot a new one, he briefly explained the situation, and told her that she can try again by giving her taxi instructions back to the RW. Additionally he said “possible pilot deviation” because he doesn’t want to make any accusations that may not be true.
  • @diegoazcuy300
    This happened to me at an airport in Houston , student pilot , I was on short final and he entered the runway. It was an uncontrolled field. Lesson learned for everyone that day.
  • @rizzeau
    If I were the pilot, I'd probably taxi back to parking and debrief what happened. I think I'd be too shook up from the deviation to continue for the day.
  • @mac7Attack1
    I am currently a student pilot at this airport (KMYF) the school has several flight schools attached. The tower/ground controllers are very patient and helpful. If any of you are reading this thank you for always calling my base during solos for me!
  • @byronhenry6518
    I was instructing a student one time when a Navy student flying a king air cut us off on final and we went around. It was an uncontrolled field and everyone was making our calls. I said I was going around due to traffic on short final and the Navy guy was like “Ah shit, sorry” lol
  • @seppukun208
    MAN you must have the most incredible listening skills to be able to be an ATC or Pilot. If it weren't for the subtitles it would've just been pure gibberish to me