Massive World Inhabited by Humans And Aliens is Under Threat by a Mysterious Force

In a city where beings from different planets live together in harmony, two special operatives must identify a mysterious dark force found at its center, threatening their peaceful existence.

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コメント (21)
  • Looks like the movie had a lot of potential. I really really appreciate this channel.
  • I just know that everyone hated the movie, but I personally liked the graphics and storyline. I usually can't handle movies that have a lot going on, but I liked this one.
  • Needs a remake into a series with each episode exploring different aliens, and the climax of discovering the truth.
  • What killed this movie for me was that in the aftermath of losing their entire support team (4:33) the two main characters don't show any sign of caring in the least.
  • This movie had one of the greatest openings ever. It was original in concept and visually stunning. Sadly they two leads they cast have all of the charisma of three day old fish and putting them together increased the suck level exponentially.
  • this movie could've been one of the best science fiction adaptation, but there's just so much going on, so many plot holes, so many unnecesary scenes, scenes that contradict each other, but hey, at least the design and CGI was good
  • This movie has some of the best opening scene ever. I still watch that clip whenever I can.
  • @nrm6096
    i said this before...but i'll say it again... i really love watching these recaps. Makes me realize how i have watched some of these great movies but have completely forgotten them and allows me to recall and re-enjoy these movies like this one that i think was completely underrated😊
  • Finally a movie which aliens and people co-exist and fight a bigger threat
  • @ItzUnknwn
    Man this channel is saving so many people time and money 💯 Love it basically like watching a movie at 100x speed
  • @wkj-dk8wv
    This recap made more sense than the movie.
  • I always loved the concept of humans cooperating with other creatures making better civilizations, and personally I loved the graphics and visuals of this movie :)
  • This is my favorite space movie along with Interstellar & Alien franchise.
  • The only problem this movie has is the weak characters and plot. Setting wise it is rather amazing for a Sci-Fi.
  • @jelouche
    I saw a little glimpse of the movie when I was too little and had multiple dreams about the movie throughout, but couldn't remember its name. Thanks to your recap, I finally found this movie's name.
    I’m 73 and have seen a lot of movies in my life. Very good ones, good ones and not so good ones. I tend to not pick a movie to pieces and find faults with it. I either like it or not. This one I liked. For SFX it’s right on top. I was thoroughly entertained. I thought the main characters were right on keeping a calm level in all that chaos. Cara Delevigne is pretty good, I’ve seen other films with her and she is a decent actress! I would suggest when watching a film to go rather by feeling than dissecting it to pieces! This one was pure fun , that’s all!
  • for me the best scene was the beginning when the humans Welcome all the race. it was beautifully done.
  • @karlazeen
    I remember watching this movie with my family like a few years ago in the theaters and I was like "am I missing a movie that happened before this?" when it started acting like we knew who the main characters were.
  • Valerian And The City Of a Thousand Planets was one of the best sci fi movies I've ever seen. Loved it.
  • This movie is totally underrated . I loved the plot and graphics, maybe cast could’ve be different, still overalls this was a great film