Average vanilla medic campaign vs Average NT medic campaign

Published 2022-10-05
Music used:
"Spring In My Step" by Silent Partner
"Tactical Music - Ratnik" by Avery Alexander

All Comments (21)
  • @malhavoc431
    NT is one of those mods I love and hate. I play medic and NT turns me from funny drug man into the one person on the sub who can save lives. The hate comes into play when my crewmates continue to act like morons and don't understand that I can't just poke them with morphine to prevent their insides from falling out.
  • @perp9894
    so makes you feel like an actual medic
  • @Neuro537
    İ accidentally removed my heart thinking i removed an outpost security Guard's heart
  • ah, the mod where you may or may not need an actual medical license irl to treat wounds effectively, idk i've never played it
  • @PencilKing21
    My first experience of neurotrauma was when I started a game with some friends. I was medic and I started with some empty blood packs in my locker, so I figured “hey, let’s do some blood donations” so I invited my crew down to medical, and then did what any sensible person would do to draw blood. I used a needle. Now as any experienced neurotrauma doc knows, using a needle on someone is not a great idea unless the have pneumothorax. I however, did not know that. That eventually spiraled into my captain dying to the pneumothorax that I didn’t know how to fix because I didn’t know how to navigate the trello. All the while he’s screaming the whole time things like “what the fuck did you do to me” and “how did you fuck up drawing blood”, all of us laughing the whole time. Honestly great experience all in all. Then you had the sepsis incident because I didn’t know you needed to check for that with the hemo analyzer. And then there was that time that I accidentally harvested our bot’s organs. I suppose they don’t call me Michael Malpractice for nothin.
  • @bruh61782
    one time a person i was playing with didn't realize we had neurotrauma on the server, and overdosed on morphine
  • i once got a cyberlimb, and realized it was dogshit, because for one, it was bugged and was not visible on my player model, for another, it broke super quickly when i went for a swim, even inside of a dive suit. so i asked for it to be removed and to get a regular meat limb again, and the doc didnt know how to remove it, so i looked it up while he dug through his cabinets looking for a replacement limb. and apparently the answer was "apply crowbar to cyberlimb to remove", like, ok.
  • "STOP! YOU'RE NOT HELPING BY DOING CPR, ALL YOU'RE DOING IS PUMPING THE BLOOD OUT OF HIS BODY!" "YOU TOOK OUT HIS LUNGS BECAUSE HE WAS HAVING SHORTNESS OF BREATH?!" "Took a round!" Missing an arm and a leg "Yeah, he was having a seizure, I thought he was gonna turn into a zombie like outta World War Z or something, so I shot him" - Security Officer after killing the Captain "Why are all of the outpost security missing their limbs and organs?" "Bro help, the teenagers at the outpost ganged up on me after I caught them vandalizing and they broke my spinal cord."
  • @Lakefruit
    As somebody who got their EMT-B license recently, Neurotrauma is CRAZY! It’s half the stuff I just learned in school, and more!!
  • NT gives me crippling PTSD and depression, especially if you also add all the add ons it has
  • for me, playing NT mod as medic is a calming experience: gunshot = foreign body(tweezers) broken bones(bandage and gypsium) pneumothorax(basic surgery procedure+drainage) i dont panic, but i can lose hope when my patient has 200% blood loss and i dont have any bloodpacks skull emoji
  • @bluewolf194
    You wouldn't struggle as much with health ui mod on.
  • @pilotbug6100
    I used to play all the time with neurotrauma with my friends (still sometimes so) You cannot believe how quickly you gain afflictions. To where we dub when we have a whole lot of them we call them "pokemon cards"
  • One time I lost a guy because he had a leg infection Apparently you need an extremely advanced piece of technology to tell you he has an infection instead of just looking at the wound to see if it has an infection
  • @Capn-185
    As someone who just went Neuro trauma with my friends, it is not advised to drink Ethanol in vast amounts. No seriously, 48 ethanol to the head apparently makes you blackout every 5 seconds.
  • @SgtRock-et7zl
    Worst Part? Clowns can no longer heal your broken legs, they can only stall the oncoming death.
  • @Local_Lad
    Playing this with real sonar and dangerous reactor makes sure everyone is always experiencing pain!