Undertale Yellow with a side of salt

Published 2023-12-30

All Comments (21)
  • @Side_N0te
    I'm convinced that if it is a robot and if it is a girl Scott will like it.
  • @jackofclubs6229
    I’ve heard that the difference is that Neutral route is when Clover pursues Justice as they know it at the time, basing it on the current situation. Pacifist is when Clover gets to know the monsters and decides to pursue Justice on Their behalf. Genocide is when Clover takes Justice to it’s limit, meaning it’s no longer Justice, but Vengeance.
  • @NoobyMain
    What I find awesome is the fact that Clover actually has his own emotions and actions that are not influenced by the player. Giving things to people or literally shaking from fear after seeing the souls of dead children and wielding a gun for self defense - it all adds to the personality of the characters.
  • @mmgmagic
    The reason that the fangames tend to be more difficult than the property it is based on is to do with their audiences. By nature, fangames like UTY are played by people who are already familiar with Undertale, and want to experience something new. As a result, it is assumed that they are more knowledgeable of the game's mechanics compared to a newcomer, who is very unlikely to play UTY first. That being said, I do agree that some attack patterns could've used playtesting. EDIT: No, I'm not justifying the unfair aspects of the fights. As I said, there should've been more playtesting done on those battles - especially by beginners. I was just pointing at the usual trend of why fangame creators feel the need to elevate difficulty in the first place.
  • @Shadest
    Props to whoever wrote Flowey in this game, they nailed his character so well that if you told me Toby himself wrote the neutral ending, I'd believe it
  • @zachcrawford5
    Ok, that animated Chujin scene that pointed out just how ridiculous Ceroba's actions were had me laughing pretty hard.
  • @danhatter6823
    You know there’s something wrong with your bullet patterns when the FIRST PATCH for your game includes: - Fixed unfair bullet patterns with genocide midpoint boss - Fixed unfair bullet patterns with genocide final boss - Gave you more healing items before the genocide final boss
  • @LuniNightwind
    My gripe with Ceroba was basically stated here on how there was a clear message from her LATE husband about not using is on their daughter but does it anyway. Would've been different if say the daughter found out and Ceroba constantly told her no when she was asked. Course the one moment of distraction gave the daugher the chance to use it on herself, which would keep the guilt aspect of Ceroba over not protecting their daughter
  • @wyvernplays1147
    I LOVE how all 3 routes feel equally polished bc like... Every other fangame in existence is like GENOCIDE IS THE ONLY THING THAT EXISTS so it's a breath of fresh air that the NEUTRAL ROUTE is as good as it is
  • What I love particularly is that they made the neutral ending its own actual plot, and it ended up being my favorite one
  • @3DFella
    6:38 To be fair, Deltarune does this too. Noelle isn’t very monsterous, nor is berdly, or Catti, or like any of the new characters. However, Deltarune characters still don’t feel like furry OCs, while the characters in Yellow do. My best guess as to why this is, is the art style, Toby’s art style kinda reminds me of like, cartoons like regular show or whatever, while the character designs in Undertale yellow just use a furry kinda artstyle.
  • You know, after only seeing unrelenting praise or harsh criticism of Undertale Yellow, I needed a review like this. One that sings its praises while also making fair points about its flaws. This is the kind of review that makes me genuinely appreciate the game and its developers. Thanks.
  • @topcat59
    Honestly that’s pretty cool that Toby is supportive of the development of this game.😺
  • @melreinh5265
    Good review. Agree with most of your critiques. I think the designs of the main cast are great, but they all had similar body types and i couldn't help but feel a sense of "same-y" ness. I love em, but it felt like that. As examples from undertale, Sans is short and stout, Papyrus tall and lanky with his body armor giving a large upper body, Alphys "hunchback" dino, and Muffet looks thinner than Papyrus. Undyne and Toriel are among the more human proportions, but their body sizes are still different. I agree that Ceroba plot felt the most pushed. Probably because it went "in depth" with her story compared to Dalv(Can we call his a plotline?) Martlet, and Starlo. Didn't hate it though. Disagree on Martlet's personality being a simple combo of Sans and Papyrus though. Her role is definitely in place of Sans and Papyrus, as the goofy sidekick by your side who has funny dialogue. Otherwise i'd say she's got a mind of her own. I never got the impression of her being lazy compared to Sans, or as puzzle loving as Papyrus. She seemed more like... an eager and clumsy (bird-brained) newbie. Falling asleep on slow days, checking up on her puzzles to make sure they work properly, and arresting who she thought was human. Selling it the most is her constant reference to the royal guard handbook, as she still hasn't memorized all the rules and protocols and frantically pulls it out the moment she gets into trouble, or forgets a line. Her character narrative is ditching the notebook in favor of what she believes is just and right.
  • @Macintoshiba
    I think Touhou fox was just following Sanses future advice of "using your strongest attack first"
  • @moodle6500
    It's kinda funny how the neutral route is the one where Ceroba is the least present and also (to me at least) the best route (that final boss especially)
  • @spaceace9103
    Pacifist final boss pre patch was insane. Blackholes, attack that stuns you, orange and blue attacks, plus random attack patterns.
  • @WitchDoctorWaka
    Honestly I gotta agree about Ceroba. Soon as you get to her the story basically becomes 100% about her. Not to mention the animated bit you did about her being told NOT to test it on their daughter is 100% how I saw it in my head after the game. If any part of the game felt like bad writing...it was that. Honestly I feel like a better way to of done that would of been for her to deny her Daughter being the test subject (CAUSE SHE WAS TOLD TO) only for her daughter to either steal it and use it on herself or sneak in later to do the same thing. Least then it would of felt like her daughter died in a desperate attempt to help her fallen father and not her mom's stupid choice to ignore her fallen husbands wishes. Ceroba could then STILL feel guilty about her daughters death due to her serum being wrong and not protecting it well enough.
  • @dahliam5397
    I think the reason fan games often spike difficulty compared to the standard game is cause they know that people who are playing the fan game will already know something about the base game. It’s the same reason why sequel games tend to have harder bosses, at least from what I’ve seen. There are exceptions, but on a whole the act of someone already having been through the challenge of the sans fight at the very end or even just knowing it creates the expectation of something similar but also different. Do I think yellow did it perfectly, no but they’re building off what is known so idk if there’s any need to teach the player about much like the sans or undyne fight did.