Real Chinese Conversation: In the restaurant | Learn Practical Chinese

Published 2024-05-18
In this video, you can learn useful Chinese expressions in the restaurant. Like: some names of food, how to order food , check the bill , etc.

位 wèi measure word for person, people
几位? jǐ wèi ? How many people?
茶 chá tea
红茶 hóngchá black tea
喝 hē to drink
点菜 diǎn cài to order food
鸡 jī chicken
面 miàn noodles
汤 tāng soup
勺子 sháozi spoon
打包 dǎbāo take away (the food)
盒 hé box
买单 mǎidān check the bill
扫 sǎo to scan

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