The Difference between Islam and Christianity. Mar Mari Emmanuel

Published 2024-05-06

All Comments (21)
  • @bisho0605
    When I was pregnant I had weekly ultrasounds because they told me my daughter had a blockage in her bladder and that she would most likely need kidney transplant because of it. I was saved during this time and started serving at my church. We all prayed a lot over my daughter and when she was born they had to transfer her to childrens hospital and the doctor at childrens told me “I’m not sure what happened, and I know you have been preparing for something much worse, but somehow your daughter only has an ovarian cyst.” That cyst is now gone. Praise God! Prayer works! Also, my sister was pregnant at the same time as me. She didn’t believe in Jesus. After the birth of her daughter, she stopped breathing and they had to call a code blue and resuscitate her for like 15 min. My sister said she did what I would do and got on her knees and begged Jesus to save her daughter. A nurse comes up to her during this and tells her, her daughter is crying which was great because she was breathing and now she is fine! Moral of the story, God is good, prayer is powerful, and you have no idea how your faith could impact those around you
  • “I didn’t come for people to love me I came for Christ to be pleased with me” This Is power
  • @lailJoe
    May our Jesus our God and saviour be with you and bless you Father Mari ☦
  • He is right. I wanted love, and never got it. Not having love made me bitter, angry, and then hateful I'm just over 60 years in age. The last 12 months I have been at my worst and where I turned mad. I turned and blamed God and hell came out of my mouth. Around 6 weeks ago Jesus left his flock and went looking for me. He found me all broken asking god to strike me down and kill me. He didn't do that, he carried me home. Glory to out Lord for he shows mercy Amen 🙏
  • @ronnyb865
    Seeing my Bishop on this podcast,really surprised me,I watch these guys and I also follow Bishop Emmanuel,,Win! Win!😊,Hi Patrick
  • @ericrobin2328
    John told to Jesus: I know 2 + 2 = 4, Sometime I feel totally confident, and another time all confused. I want the Laws written in my heart!
  • @hoopoe3093
    If Jesus was born without an earthly father, consider this: Adam was created without any earthly mother or earthly father❗God can create ANYTHING❗👀
  • @ciscocisco6119
    🔥 Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophet's, remember the body of the Creator is Jesus Christ 🔥 PRAY for JERUSALEM and planet earth GB 🕊️🔥
  • @jillphilips3788
    Please Share Our Lord God Yeshua Christ Jesus said in Revelation He Chose ONE CHURCH OUT OF SEVEN TI BE HIS BRIDE 🕊❤️🙏🏻🎶🎉 Do WE ALL TOLD WHAT THE CHURCH US TODAY 😳
  • @johndoe09
    Why he brings up Hinduism here? It not abrahamic religion.